start reporting the WHOLE story. You only give partial info.... just enough to lead people in the direction you choose. Not trustworthy

Anonymous commented
please post the real news!
Anonymous commented
Your news is propaganda and sensationalist, and doesn't give the truth. It is full of leftist lies, and serves only to mislead the public. I sure wish there existed a journalist with ethics.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Not so long ago, news was just the facts reported without bias. Real news agencies used to rant about reporting "National Inquirer" style. Now that's all we have.
annoyed person commented
Definitely just crummy sensational anti-US spam.
Shame on you -
Anonymous commented
it is not your place to take a political stand. It absolutely turns me off!! Start reporting some of the dirt on the other side because we know there are two sides. I don't see one negative thing about Biden in your news! What the ****???? Why are you covering only one side of what is going on? Report the news if you are going to and if not shut the **** up!
Halman47 commented
I can remember the days when AOL used to be the go-to place when you had to dial up on your telephone and listen to that modem sound connecting one of the exciting times those were! now look at what you've become a show for the Democratic party how could you even use the phrase unbased claims that the election was a fraud??? maybe it's because you've been watching ABC CBS,NBC MSNBC where they don't report on anything ABOUT JOE WHAT'S HIS NAME... because they are leftists...
Anonymous commented
if you want all to use your service you cannot continue to be so biased and not report the news. You are medling in an election by witholding news that does not support your views. As a platform your duty is to report all the news.
Anonymous commented
Left wing garbage
Mr Fox commented
this is called bias by omission
30 year Vet commented
I loved how you stated that 1/3 of all female POC say their income decreased under President Trump, Funny you never mentioned the 2/3s who had their income go up..... your reporters would fit right in, the novel 1984. Or maybe your just well trained Marxists like the the leaders of BLM have admitted being.
anonymous commented
or not reporting news at all! I look for big news I know is happening but because AOL is apparently so liberal, they cannot objectively report all news in its entirety. I have been a member for almost 30 years and this is the 1st time I have ever felt the need to complain. it has become so blatant that it is impossible to ignore. very subpar reporting ability. Reports political views, not news
Anonymous commented
Brainwashing at its finest.
G commented
100% ckrrect