stop siding with racist terrorist groups like blm and antifa and act like an Americam

Al Panarese commented
Continue doing what you are doing. Reporting the truth and include right wing White Supremacists, Neo Nazi's and the Proud Boys
Anonymous commented
soooo should they focus on uplifting the proud boys or ***?
Kingjay commented
why can't you just give news " facts " instead of this biased " reporting "
Anonymous commented
we need both sides of the current events
John Zimmerman commented
Please stop calling it "News" when its just an opinion or trying to tell us what to think. News is facts, the truth.
Anonymous commented
I am sick of this anti American propaganda.
Joe McCarthy commented
because you lean only to the democratic party your story's are one sided.
Anonymous commented
Antifa and BLM have been conducting domestic terrorism since 2013, years before Trump so he cannot be the blame. But so many these days are so blind they have no problems support terrorism. Just like the idiot going around calling people trash and wishing harm on them. Those are the people your stories appeal to.
J commented
Right on!
tim commented
why would you constantly report negative parts of videos to help rise the anger and feed the fire of ******** rioters terrorist groups like blm antifa . aol news sucks keep feeding division of America **** aol
(Edited by admin) -
anonymous commented
To the one accusing "rt wing" of the things BLM and ANTIFA are caught doing on camera every day for the last 3 months: SERIOUSLY? you must be blind or living under a rock. proof is in the videos...
anonymous commented
I certainly don't trust AOL for factual news. I already have an opinion. I don't need yours along with made up accusations about our President. You know what you are doing. Shame on you!
Anonymous commented
Racist idiots
Anonymous commented
totally agree 👍
Anonymous commented
100%. they should stop siding with TERRORIST TREASONERS b.eing l.ousey m.embers of humanity.
p.olice l.ives m.atter -
Anonymous commented
Thank you for this post, I completely agree!
Anonymous commented
aol is racist as it can be
manipulated by fear from antifa amd blm -
Anonymous commented
AOL stands for America Online. Act like a patriot instead of serving people who hate your namesake. it's time to grow a pair and stand up for what is right.
John Lodge commented
block all spam from
Anonymous commented
liberal Democrats will trash America