Do you really think anybody but the uneducated believe what you print for news ? We are laughing at you.

T. Morgan ll commented
Amen and amen! You are a laughing stock AOL news.
Anonymous commented
Just look what happened to Ted Turner for starting the Left wing propaganda CNN. Karma caught up with him, and he sits on his ranch in Montana not knowing where he lost all his Marbles!
Anonymous commented
you can't rely on aol for the truth, it's a liberal rag!
Anonymous commented
Is aol just another liberal activist rag?
My name is Connie! commented
Aol you need to stop posting lies for news!
you've proven you're a Crooked lying bunch of liberals and NOOOO.....we Trump supporters DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR BS LIES. YOUR AN UGLY COUSIN OF CNN, MSNBC, ABC,AND THE REST OF THE LOSERS. -
Anonymous commented
I know several people that believe the "news", ACC and her squad of idiots.
Monte MONTE commented
I think it's time you allow discussions with opposing viewpoints. Stop censoring, ever heard of free speech?
Anonymous commented
the biased news is disgusting. I despise your communist *****
Anonymous commented
this is less a news page than the grimes of tabloids
Anonymous commented
Donald Trump lives in all the nutcase leftys heads rent free