AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1450 results found
478th ranked
478th ranked
478th ranked
Fix your mark as unread problems
cannot mark an email as unread after replying to it have to chase it to Old mail and then Mark as unread and go back to new mail
118th ranked -
242nd ranked
478th ranked
Give us back the old version.This one is ****.
this is ****.Delete themselves and you dont see what you just clicked on to read
478th ranked -
important to file sent messages, need an option to allow moving sent messages to subject folders, this is important, respectfully CaptainRix
well, this is simple, almost trivial, provide a method to file sent messages and subject folders, those who don't want to don't have to, those who wish to do so need a method, respectfully CaptainRix
478th ranked -
stop making changes. your IT dept makes changes just to justify their paycheck. they make nothing better...
stop making changes if the site works. leave things alone.
478th ranked -
Change the news items every once in a while. You know the news in the world does change from day-to-day.
I've had the same news items for at least 10 days. National and International news does change daily and even hourly so it would be nice if your news items could reflect that!
103rd ranked -
478th ranked
478th ranked
478th ranked
478th ranked
Fix auto play. When you choose never on auto play it resets everytime to wifi only when you close and reopen the app.
Auto play issues
169th ranked -
478th ranked
478th ranked
News update
Sick of having to read the left-wing news **** feeds when I open my aol.
169th ranked -
this app sucks! stop filtering my inbox
Stop filtering messages I want to see all messages for everyday not a reduced list for today and yesterday then a leap to last month. You need an "All messages" or "no filtering" option. I can never easliy find new unread emails from over a 36 hours ago before I start seeing them from several days ago.
478th ranked -
478th ranked
- Don't see your idea?