AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1450 results found
let me get rid of the lefty news sources
let me control my news sources.
478th ranked -
When deleting emails they show up again later and emails that aren't there pop up after I think I've cleared out the previous days emails.
Daily I delete my emails. Later on that day they show back up again. Days prior I delete emails and more appear and I have to delete those too.
118th ranked -
New format of AOL is awful..hard to navigate,unsubscribe,I don't want to waste my time telling you why I don't like an ad and it comes back
Get old email back
478th ranked -
get the app to open quicker
since last update it takes to long
478th ranked -
478th ranked
I'd appreciate you removing my home as San Diego, CA. My home is Pomona, Ca.
Change wrong home location to my actual home location
478th ranked -
won't let me type up emails sometimes because it wants my contact info even though that email is not in my contacts and I don't want it too
won't let me type up emails sometimes because it wants my contact info even though that email is not in my contacts and I don't want it too
I have no need for the app to have my contact info. I should be able to copy and paste any email I want to and it should send it. I should be able to forward emails from other apps as well (it used to but now doesn't).
478th ranked -
Remove the news feed.
There needs to be an option where a user can remove the news feed when they log on to check their email.
103rd ranked -
103rd ranked
478th ranked
the app opens with my emails first instead of news about gang **** and murder. It's disgusting this is the first thing I see!!!
open with email first, not news ****
478th ranked -
New AOL version is terrible. Go back to the old version or I will switch to Gmail.
Go back to old AOL version
478th ranked -
478th ranked
Resize the typeface on emails. I give up trying to read them and cannot use landscape. AOL used to be great.
Resize typeface and allow landscape. AOL used to be such a user friendly platform
478th ranked -
Transfer my contacts over to the App. They appear elsewhere ie PC and Laptop
My contacts appear when using my laptop or PC but not in this App. Can they be transferred over?
478th ranked -
169th ranked
478th ranked
allow me to send an email to an address I've entered without giving permission to access my contacts
Sending emails without access to contacts
478th ranked -
lynda appears to be AOL's tool to justify their political leanings.
Why does AOL tolerate such a foul mouthed individual posting such crude, inarticulate comments otherwise.
169th ranked -
478th ranked
- Don't see your idea?