Aol comment not working
I used to comment to a post but it's not showing on the comment box after posting. Kindly do something about it to make sure I got interaction to your aol website.

i MCmulorng commented
seems i hit a nerve about the vax , i now have no comment links .
Joyce Colovas commented
The comment section no longer appears when I am signed in and read articles. I, too, am generally conservative in what I post. Nothing vile. No personal attacks. I just disagree with AOL in my views and have commented several times that their articles were not "journalism." That was the end of me. Welcome to America's "new normal!"
[Deleted User] commented
AOL will ban you if you talk negative about the Lefts. They banned me for speaking the truth of how bad liberals' policies are. Go figure! AOL is just like Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. All are pro liberals.
Skipper Smith commented
So now aol isnt letting me login to post a comment or thumbs up or down a comment. It just resets me to the home page every time I try to click something but my mail works? Seems like I am getting censored. Anybody else having these problems?
nymex dvd commented
All my posts get deleted within a minute of posting. I use no foul language or threats and they delete all of them.
Felix Rodriguez commented
In a country that has long cherished the freedom of expression, we cannot allow a limited number of online platforms to hand pick the speech that Americans may access and convey on the internet. This practice is fundamentally un-American and anti-democratic. When large, powerful social media companies censor opinions with which they disagree, they exercise a dangerous power. They cease functioning as passive bulletin boards, and ought to be viewed and treated as content creators.
Felix Rodriguez commented
AOL Censorship must stop!!! You have forced me to cancel my paid AOL membership that I have had for over 20+ years. No Freedom of speech, no money! I ended my paid monthly membership and now I am working on several friends to end theirs, I have already persuaded 3 and I have quite a few more to go.
An Li commented
Stop the censorship!
jay ghee commented
AOL censorship needs to be eliminated!
KEN PERRY commented
Not only am I unable to post a comment, but I have also reported a post numerous times that has called me a name but AOL allows the comment to remain. The AOL attempt to appease the radical right who constantly complain that the Truth is biased is not working too well.
Soboleski commented
Are you just allowing Russian Bots or crazy *** people to comment?
Soboleski commented
Me too...can't comment!!!
craig stephan commented
Why the **** am I no longer able to make comments on articles ? This has been going on for months, and I just recently found out that the article discussion room is still happening ! I have been paying you $14 dollars a month for over 10 years...for what ? be censored ? Hook me back up to the articles chat room or im done with aol. I will also make it my business to tell all of my family and friends to leave aol. How dare u censor my speech without notifying me ! More directly, where do u get em big enough to censor my speech !!!
Judy Whyte commented
I am sick of posting on here and getting my post rejected...this is your last chance...I am paying you monthly for your service and have been for are going to lose me as a be warned! I am not using profanity or anything else that I haven't seen on most posts...If your proof readers can't stand the Trump rejection...that is not a reason for rejecting posts....this will be discussed with many on facebook, because I will write a post rejecting you...I am sick of your control measures....and you are going to lose a good customer in me...
AOL--you are telling me you want the URL of the article I cannot post on.. It's EVERY ARTICLE and you know that! You have renoved the ability for me and many others to be able to comment....So what are you going to do about this?---This has been going on for weeks and I do not see you allowing us to comment! When are you going to fix this? ---It's every single article!
blueseats commented
480 Points
6 minutes agoYou just did what you said your not doing, look into the mirror fool!
And yet here we have a personal attack that is allowed to stay. Why the selective moderation and censorship for inoffensive posts and nonsense like this is allowed to stay?
blueseats commented
1 Point
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Your comment has been rejected.
Why?1 Point
1 minute ago
The Republican party has had TEN years to come up with an alternative plan. In ten years they haven't shown us anything resembling a healthcare plan and the Republican base does not demand one. It is all about their team with them.Why haven't they demanded better in the last TEN years?
Here we go again. What is the offense in this comment? What is the violation? -
Anonymous commented
Do you think?
blueseats commented
63K Points
6 minutes ago
I hope you give Aids to your daddy
Just a reminder that this is what you let stay.