How do I turn off the anti-TRUMP news and adds.
How do I turn off the anti-TRUMP news and adds. Thank you...

[Deleted User] commented
AOL's liberal bias has gotten out of hand. I will be looking for a new email provider after 30+ years. Good Luck.
Anonymous commented
They can be turned off by only going to pro-Trump sites. Not enough? Start more.
Anonymous commented
AOL is bias against Trump
Anonymous commented
Change your name to "left on line"
Hollie sinclair commented
so all you people with post down below ..saying how everything was so fake ...well now aint that a blip... on this day Oct.2nd the headlines were potus and flotus have covid this all fake now ? is it a Hoax ? looks like the Hoax got the Fraud this time ..and you people all just kept right on believing him was not fake ..wake up people
Anonymous commented
By turning OFF AOL! Why don't they just endorse Biden! lol!
Harry Mansfield commented
My account is being blocked from making a post/comment on your news stories.
I would like an explanation as to why this is happening.
Thank you. -
John commented
How do I turn off the anti Trump fake news articles?
PAUL EMOND commented
I love our president! Stop with all you obvious bias already! You have lost me as a customer. I set up a gmail account instead. See ya!
More left leaning BS from AOL.
timbo commented
if aol would quit shoving so many ad's at us maybe the site would work better
Robert commented
AOL will cannibalize itself as does most liberal mouthpieces.
DAN WILLIAMS commented
I agree with this. AOL is way too left leaning. Report the news and not your opinion.
LINDA commented
I too am extremely tired of seeing obviously biased ads against the President...... our president, like him or not.
Obama was also our President .... like him or not.....they both deserve unbiased, respect.
I will be cancelling my email I have had for YEARS due to the constant bias barrage of negative comments.......AOL wake up. Regardless of your users stand we DO NOT WANT TO BE ACCOSTED BY ONE MORE ENTITY TO LEAN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER...... -
Allan Padbury, Sr. commented
How do I remove this g d liberal biased aol **** from my computer?
vince commented
Never voted for Trump
Never thought about it until...
Everyday I check my AOL email...the first news story on AOL... 99.9% is anti-Trump
This is why people vote for him, "news" like this ...all day...everyday
I love using AOL, but many of my friends no longer use the service for the same reason.
By the way...we all considered ourselves pretty liberal before. After reading how bad Trump is ...every single day for 4 years...I think you can figure the rest out. -
A commented
Aol does not have a inappropriate calification for any of their Trump hate articles
Anonymous commented
Tired of all the Anti-Trump articles and when someone comments to the good you delete it cause it doesn't meet your standards. Seems that nothing meets your standard anymore. AOL needs to go away.
Carol commented
Simple just take your finger and tap on another issue.
DP commented
Please STOP the 24/7 Anti-Trump coverage in the headlines and articles! Whatever happened to un-biased journalism and reporting?? We do not want "Big Brother" telling us what to think and who to vote for. The radical/lefist/Socialist agenda of AOL/Big Tech is disturbing! Just the facts please!!!