Stop being so political and bias with your stories.
There is a balance that you and other news websites need to strike. Presenting stories that are biased an one-sided; whether about President Trump or about LGBTQ ( which has never. been anything new under the sun, nothing new under the Son). Reporting stories over and over again to fill space may not be the best choice. If you must be political, please be fair and equal and provide both sides not just one.

NORMAN SHIER commented
AOL should divorce from the highly partisan Huffington.
Can't believe AOL management is so ****** as to think your
subscribers don't see your massive left wing lean. -
Deacon commented
Your site gets taken down for 90 days for every story you post that is fake. You guys are all full of ****..I hope the President wins again in 2020 and keep you socialists wrapped up for 4 more years.
Lisa commented
Quit putting one sided stories about President Trump, you need to stay neutral. Maybe do your own research and not do what everyone else in the industry does. Repeat and repeat.
pv commented
We dont need Trump bashing media. so close down aol. we can survive without aol email. We dont need US haters like democ Rats, AOC and AOL
Anonymous commented
You can improve the choice of news by not publishing these totally one-sided leftist articles that are full of hate and biased as ****. I am not the only that noticed, from what I hear, that is sick of your bias. The term lying press is absolutely correct. Try to be more neutral or at least fair... By the way one can lie any leaving out things so that readers get brainwashed...Disgusting...
Anonymous commented
What are the Democrats paying you to put that **** up, anyway?
Anonymous commented
Get rid of the damned anti-Trump "stories". I'm on AOL for email ONLY, not to have you waive your hate-filled anti-Trump crapaganda banner in my face everytime. I can get plenty of that from ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, and now AOL.
Joe Cavallaro commented
Every time you call the four Congresswomen “the Squad” you are denigrating their elected positions and disregarding the fact that they are separate and unique individuals. Are a pawn of the president. You are part of the problem, not the solution. Joe C
Tomas commented
On AOL News, your liberal bias is truly pathetic. Trump is not anywhere near as bad as you make him out to be. Your constant stream of negativity will only serve to embolden his supporters. And your constant stream of positive reporting on AOC is equally pathetic. She is one of the worst politicians the US has ever seen. We hope she goes away the next election cycle - now that would serve to strengthen our nation.
Anonymous commented
Stop showing that person AOC, no one cares what she has to say! Also stop having only negative stories on President Trump, He is doing so many great things for our country that are not being said in the media
Tomas commented
On AOL News, your liberal bias is truly pathetic. Trump is not anywhere near as bad as you make him out to be. Your constant stream of negativity will only serve to embolden his supporters. And your constant stream of positive reporting on AOC is equally pathetic. She is one of the worst politicians the US has ever seen. We hope she goes away the next election cycle - now that would serve to strengthen our nation.
pv commented
Stop AOL fake news and pictures bashing Trump. If you continue aol will fall like CNN. We don't care about AOC and the gang of 4. All of the demo Rats and the so called progressives are fraud. IF you don't like USA , get out and go back is a perfect chant.
Anonymous commented
Please get rid of all anti American and Trump traitors. Clean this **** up.
Anonymous commented
We agree when we login to AOL to check mail we are offended to see stories attacking Trump from HUFFPO, Geobeat or other leftist opinion sources. If I wanted to see fake news I would go to these sources. I came very close to not updating my account info when we cancelled a credit card we used. If this continues I will stop and BTW I am not alone, many of my independent or republican complain to me about the same frustration.
Jerry Anthony commented
AOL must be Republican owned. They too are helping Trump.
Jerry Anthony commented
Stop showing Trump Stories!
Anonymous commented
Absolutely NO ONE ever accused Trump of being a racist UNTIL he ran for president. And to quote "uncle" joe gaffe in a campaign stop just proves what YOU and you buddies do every day. PATHETIC as usual!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
STOP your fricking "lefty" news *****. Ridiculous!
tell a lie longer enough people believe it the mantra of the leftist media
Anonymous commented
Completely get rid of the Huffington Post News. Quite honestly whomever the editor is they are an embarrassment to news. I am so sick and tired of seeing the same negative, same dishonest **** day in and day out. You guys lie about the President and Republicans in general and it's disgusting. People have figured you out. Don't you get that? Stop with dishonest reporting. You are not helping your cause and certainly not helping your profession. For what it is worth I think your entire news section is just one big joke.