I have been an AOL customer for a long time. I am tired of all the ADS. I cannot even browse without an AD interfering with my searches. Get rid of your ADS or maybe it is time for me to get rid of AOL.

[Deleted User] commented
Well, the "Flo" Progressive ad is back, and once again, it's impossible to collapse the ad. What the heck! I've written about this once, and it was fixed. Now it has happened again. I don't understand--this has never been a problem before.
Anonymous commented
Just so you know hijacking my login and forcing an ad on me before being redirected will result in me NEVER purchasing or considering what ever product appears. At least most ads offer an X out. Thanks for the waste of time.
[Deleted User] commented
Please, please get rid of the Stay in the Loop space at the top of your Homepage. If I want to have news alerts, I'll figure out how to get them. AOL's placing ads all over the Homepage is unbelievably annoying!! I'm so very tired of "clicking" things to get rid of them--especially when I didn't sign up with AOL for the constant irritation. Unfortunately you're ruining what was a very good service.
JUDY ZUNK commented
I would love to still be able to access my mail in ANY available way without annoying ads stopping me from accessing what I intended to do. I don’t care to “win” an Amazon card, “spin a wheel for anything” or shop for any product. If I want cable I will contact the cable company in person. If I need something from a big box store, get the picture?? It really is that simple. I would like to take care of my email needs. I do not sign in to email to spend my time attempting to remove the ads. As a matter of fact, annoying Ads make me want to AVOID the businesses that are annoying me. As well as the server failing to let me use my mail. Removing these annoying ADS will result in people wanting to stay with aol for all of their email needs. Now THAT is a creative business idea.
JIH commented
Read above
000 no name commented
and I see I always 27 ranked mmm same number 43 time now its all a joke good by
000 no name commented
your adds' are so bad dam cant even read the new with out thn *** dam had aol forever all I see are these *** adds my good ness ppl no one buy cause what I read it bugging ever one greed huh greed huh come on is it worth losing ppl because non stop add its sicking
[Deleted User] commented
For the first time, I can't collapse the irritating Progressive Insurance ad at the top of my Homepage. Who on this earth isn't sick of Flo!?! Restarting my laptop doesn't work--nothing gets rid of Flo!! AOL is ruining what used to be a good service with too many ads. You're about to lose this customer. Good grief!!
Anonymous commented
Your ads that expand to impede browsing are beyond annoying. When I see those ads, I close AOL and use another browser for my internet experience. You don't give a rats..bah bye now.
Jon Newton commented
There are suddenly so many ads, one on top of the other, that I can't even read the ads, much less the story.
No Notterson commented
There are a few sites I see people share that I don't even waste my time clicking because half the time it doesn't work. By doesn't work, I mean the site is so greedy, they stack ads so dense that you don't see the article at all. Every article of yours I've viewed in the last month or two has been like this.
I get it, you still get paid because it's a land on the page, but at what point does the greed completely destroy your base? This is on mobile so maybe on a computer it's actually working (?), But that just goes back to the point about greed, hire the right people to do the job that can program worth a **** maybe instead of saving a buck. It'd make your money back in the long run instead of creating a bad reputation and destroying your ability to get page visits.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
you've got so many ads on the story pages that you can't even read the story - awful
you've got so many ads on the story pages that you can't even read the story - awful
1 -
Anonymous commented
Ruth commented
I also just received a pop up ad for Peoplewhiz. These sites are often used for extortion---they say they have arrest records, background checks, etc. but they will start billing you on a monthly basis if you click on the ad or especially put a name in for a search.
Anonymous commented
Your ads waste. the story changes to something different when you click on it. very misleading to push ads.... It complicates reading very poor practice....... Place adds on the side of the content..
NOT in the middle
John commented
I come to AOL regularly. I'm on the verge of giving it up, can't get any of the comments after a news article to load, on the occasions they do load, commenting has become a painful experience. The characters don't display as you're typing, a onetime stroke of the backspace erases an entire sentence. Going back to respond to someone who's replied to your comment has become impossible. Do people really pay for AOL? Why?
Eric commented
If you don’t want ads for a free service, then stop using it. If you believe they can operate on nothing then you don’t understand the business model.
Anonymous commented
stop or limit the ads, stop the autoplay videos under the news headlines,a lot of the news is repetative and very old!
bruce myers commented
Stop having ads for wells fargo back on your news feed. They are nothing but liars and criminals. You at aol should be then this.