I comment on aol news stories, and they wont get posted1
When I post a comment on an news article, they are only posted for half a second and then disappear, what can be done? AOL told me to contact you, that you could help.

Images and some comments will be flagged in our system prior to becoming public. Here are some reasons why your comments may be flagged:
- Language (Examples may include: all caps, inappropriate words, etc.)
- Suspicious IP
- Any Image In order to create the best possible experience for everyone, we request that you abide by the AOL Community Guidelines, our core code of conduct, in all of your activities on AOL Services.
For more information, please view our community guidelines: http://legal.aol.com/community_guidelines/
John Barmuta commented
I have been on AOl almost since its inception and paid for your services. I have made a few posts on political articles where I have tried to be careful about not calling people names and trying to bring us together yet it seems like my posts are sometime removed or need approval. I do appreciate that you have a process but I'm not sure it's working well.......I have read your posting policy
They still haven't restored my chance to comment on news articles. Why AOL?? I'm not the only one. How can we improve AOL??? Whats the purpose of this feedback section
I don't use profanity, no name calling, nothing. I should have a right to make a comment but AOL won't let me. They won't help me fix this problem, they won't do anything and don't care... WHY AOL???
Fix this. -
Anonymous commented
I think that all viewers should be given the opportunity to comment on all of your headline stories.
I have the same problem. AOL don't care
Why doesn't AOL unblock names so they can make comments. So many names are on a block list and so all they can say is we don't follow guidelines.. It all lies and they won't help you
ED commented
Take your freaking Bias and go burn it , bigots.
AOL don't care
AOL has to fix this problem, especially when I follow all community guidelines for a comment. Its rediculous when they keep saying I'm not and then it gets rejected. AOL won't or can't fix it...WHY????
I consistantly and systematically get thrown off for my comments and am starting to get fed up with this. I have gathered many people in the same position as mine and want some explanation where the word " Bingo " is inappropriate. I have my masters in languages as an Intepreter who speaks, read and write five languages fluently. Maybe you should hire somebody competent and educated to filter the comments. I have contacted my lawyer, because this is now going too far and preventing me to fully exercise my freedom of speech. We now have a rogue at the head of this country, who does nothing but insult people and that is OK with you? Incidentally, I have been paying for aol for since 1998...
kaz commented
I follow your community guidelines but my comments are blocked. I see many comments by people that are not follow your guidelines.
Shape up AOL I am a paying customer -
WALT Fish commented
allow me to leave a comment or put a reaction on the comments as part of the community
Bernard commented
As stated above my commentary regarding an article written by David Knowles, Yahoo News, dated 08-06-20, entitled: "Trump: Biden remarks "insulted," Black Community." My original comment was assertive regarding the statement by the President which in themselves are capricious and arbitrary as are so many comment made by him that are based in ignorance, extremism and racial bias. I used those words in my statement, if those do not meet your standard it is evident that many of the commentaries given are being by passed or rejected by your editorial administrative group! In fact you should review the original posts given regarding this issue, many are direct insults and use colloquial language in the commentaries as well as direct insults within the reply's. I have been an AOL member for 30 years or more, this is the first time this has occurred, you should review this issue. I deserve an apology at best.
John Gesselberty commented
I have been blocked simply for responding, without insults, to liberals who are very insulting, but do not seem to have their responses blocked. I would like a personal response as to what I have said is against your posting rules. I pay for your service and am getting tired of your liberal bias.
Tom Jackson commented
This post was blocked as a comment regarding Joe's not wanting to take a cognitive test, "C'mon Man! Do you think I need an IQ test? I have 3 degrees and graduated in the top of my class! Actually Joe you didn't do that and we were not asking for an IQ test but a test regarding your cognitive ability which you just failed! Nice going Joe!!
Don't see much wrong with that truthful yet satirical Answer. Are all you Libs so thin skinned?
Anonymous commented
AOL needs REAL moderators. 99
% of the time there is a nasty comment so I use the SAME comment and AOL tells me I can't post it or whatever. Nonsense, so I report the original post that was OK at first for some reason, then AOL says I was blocked too many times. Pure tRump NONSENSE. -
Anonymous commented
jeff alman commented
Apparently, my account has been black listed. Why and how can I get my accounts off the list?
jeff alman commented
My message is being rejected, even if I type a simple Hello!
Apparently, my account has been black listed. How can i get my accounts opened back up?
jeff alman commented
My message is being rejected, even if I type a simple Hello!