You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
skip it
Felton Marans commented
I have been paying a monthly fee to AOL for probably 30 years or so for the benefits I get. The one things that is a total turn off and I make it a point never to buy from any vendor involved is one of the articles that purports to tell you something and then required you to click on next to continue reading the info in order for you to be able to ****** more ads in my face. What a bunch of ***-If I see it is that type of article I stop right away. STOP THAT **** NOW.
Randall Horn commented
Your news feed scrolls too fast and cannot be paused to read the headline. Then when you do try to read an article, its "click for next page". I realize that this an advertising thing, but it has driven most of your users away.
Anonymous commented
get to the point---hate next next next
Carol Klein commented
It is incredibly tedious to wade through the "next page" screens to get to the answer to the "come on" idea. I give up. Worse, I'm getting really annoyed and impatient, after many,many years on AOL.
NO more meaningless pages of buildup to be able to read main subject matter. Sure it adds to your advertising clientle, but when everyone stops viewing you will be worse off then when u began
Anonymous commented
this is the most annoying system in the entire online business - I agree with the previous comment since I quit after a few moments. The format is so distracting, the ads are never ending an pop up repeatedly, and they are ineffective because I ignore them. If the topic is interesting i go to google to get an accurate and readable story,
Anonymous commented
These tricks so that readers are directed to an ad for a product are slimy and devious.
Stop the slide shows. Never ending and I just quit after a few slides. BORING!
Anonymous commented
The present format of reading articles on 10 pages is intolerable . No one finishes the article
Ricky Kulp commented
Stop making me click 50 ******* times to read an article!!! Yeah its that simple!! I've been with aol more years then I can count but I'm done!! I am starting right now to change everything to gmail!! Talk to the brain child in charge of the 50 click thing but I am done!! And fyi,,, even when I did try to read an article briefly, I never once stopped to looked at theur half ***'d ads!!!
ron commented
eliminate some of the pages after pages, after pages, after pages that come up when "trying" to search for something, because I never seem to get to where I am searching for.
Leesee commented
I copy the topic enter on Google and I read your stories elsewhere. NO ONE has 15-20 min per story. It's ridiculous. I've been avoiding your painstaking slideshows for years. I'm sure their are many others that do the same.
Anonymous commented
Hey, AOL, better get it in on the first page, because if there's a "Next Page" or "Start Slideshow" link, it's over.
Ricky Kulp commented
Wow I just scanned other comments... you guys are doing an awesome job!! At destroying your company based on greed!?!? ***
JEA LYN commented
News also seems to be a bit slanted at times. I just want to read the news myself and I can determine what my opinion is, rather then read about someone else's thoughts on the topic. Example: Trump fires State Department Watchdog. That's the news. What did he do, when did he do it and why did he say he did it. End of news. The rest of the article is the opinion of someone about why he did it and why it is a bad idea. I'm not saying it's a good idea, I'd just like to dray my own conclusions. All of this can go in the opinion section.
JEA LYN commented
Omit the 'news' stories that require lots of ads and clicking next page 20 times. Put those type of articles in a group under slide show or something other then news
Anonymous commented
Every click on a new page looking for the story behind a headline puts a few pennies in someones pocket. The longer they can tease and avoid getting to the point the bigger the bankbook grows. Notwithstanding some legitimate quizzes and lists and a few actually informational articles most click bait is just ****** bait...
Anonymous commented
1 line of a book then "'next slide" ... dumb concept as most all people will not spend 20 to 30 min a a single artical. Show the artical in 1 or 2 parts not 40 or so. All i talk to dont even try. Myself included
Anonymous commented
Stop with the constant having to click from one page to the next when reading a story.
It's beyond annoying.I can not tell you how aggravating that is and how many times I have stopped reading something on AOL because of this.
I would much prefer to look for the same information elsewhere (online)....than to have to deal with the annoying and unnecessary clicking from page to page.This is the 21st Century, clicking from page to page is so 1992.
Get with the times AOL.
Present your pages in a scroll format and don't give me any bull about advertising as you put ads everywhere you can on your pages.I LOATHE the Click Format.