You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Lindsay commented
Stop the movies, give me a headline and picture. I will click if I choose. I can read. I have a decent computer but you are wasting my RAM. Loose sites like Boredom Therapy where you have to go 20 pages to get to the real story. I am old yet busy. I am not that bored and don't have that much time left. I have been with you since 1994 but patience with you is often on backorder. I am an old cat. I don't like change but will if I am not pleased. As you can see by my email address, yours is now second and not first.
Bill Fuller commented
scroll new invention. i know you do the next bar for more commercials. but if its annoying to go on your site then what happens?????answer lots of people looking for new job!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Please tell us the interesting anecdotes without having to "slog" through the slideshows. Thank you, R. M. Harris
Anonymous commented
This describes one problem. AOL is allowing advertising from sources that embedded this pop up in their ad. They need to get rid of these shady advertisers otherwise Ill be switching to a new mail server.
Anonymous commented
Get Rid of the companies that publish 20-30 page articles with one sentence on them and 500 ads. Then just maybe I will subscribe to AOL again. At one time you furnished great content; now it's all click-bait with the same stories being repeated day after day after day.
Anonymous commented
Stop running multiple "next pages" and just tell the entire specific news story in one story. Way to many ads.
Ann Wright commented
I am sick of your lead stories having multiple pages that I have to wade through trying to get the story. I have finally given up on trying to read your news and just use AOL to get my mail. Clicking through pages of advertising just to read a headline is unacceptable!!!
martin Pilsch commented
Please stop interrupting emails or stop interrupting news items. Make them separate without the commercials. It is difficult to get any satisfaction from either media or emails and to be honest, my was much more complete. I am afraid that I do not like my AOL experience to date./
Anonymous commented
Cant even do this right
Terri commented
Agree. Also it would be nice to read true facts. I'm tired of the fake news. Please show all sides of the political news. Good news too!
Anonymous commented
I just spent 15 minutes reading a story that should have taken me 1 or 2. The reason it took so long is that I was only able to read a sentence or 2 and then I had to click on the "next" button to get another sentence or two. Do you have any idea how annoying that is? I finally just gave up and didn't even finish the story. I left the AOL news page and went to another site. It was just a colossal waste of my time.
Anonymous commented
Half your stories mandate clicking through several pages. Not buying it, get lost!
Jon Newton commented
Why does every lead in picture to articles such as "Embarassing Photographs" or "Perfectly Timed Pictures" etc. consist of a young woman with enormous, protruding breasts, yet not one picture within the article is of such a woman? Oh, I think I know!
Anonymous commented
put the whole story on one page stop putting it out a sentence at a time.
Anonymous commented
Just tell me the story upfront. I will then STAY on the page (AND THEN SUBEQUENT PAGES), and your advertisers will garner MORE of my attention. And, therefore, I will spend more MONEY!! I have a lot of it. I don't like click-baiting. Not a teenager. I guess, also not your demographic. No more money for you then.
Sharon commented
The "idea" is to greatly shorten the story. We don't need a historical essay. The "next" prompt is time consuming and annoying. The headline is what prompts our interest to read about it, but it's a long time getting to what interested us in the first place; and I, for one, lose interest and end up not reading it. Defeats the purpose.
Anonymous commented
take down the keny clip you've had up for months, and stop running stories in the "next page" format. . .it is tedious, gets jammed and serves no useful purpose
Anonymous commented
I can get the same story on MSN or Yahoo w/o all the BS!
Jenny commented
Stop connecting to websites that exploit website revenue by taking the smallest story and dragging it out over numerous ad filled pages. Not only frustrating and time wasting, it also undermines AOL's credibility as a place to read current and interesting news
Anonymous commented
It's annoying and misleading.