You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Bob commented
From: *********
In reading your news stories/articles, numerous stories required clicking next to continue reading the article. The fact of having to keep clicking/selecting another page to read article is annoying to say the very least. After one or two clicks/next page, the articles will not be of sufficient interest to proceed, and those that do, are long, drawn out to be a source of irritation at best.Due to the programming of the content of the story, I rarely will continue to read or click next page to continue. I know this is a free site and advertising may play a big part in the way stories are played out, I do not read the story just to view the advertisements. Most advertisements are not viewed except as a further annoyance to the original article.
Suggest you put all advertisements at the beginning or the end of the story, in doing so more people interested in the advertisements will be looking at then, and those of us who are not interested will be able to skip over if there is nothing to catch the viewers eyes.
Please forward this to the programming director,, as I am sure this is not the correct contact point.
Case Reference: ********* -
Anonymous commented
Go back to the days when one click gave you the entire headline story.
I am getting tired of having to click on "The Next Page" icon when wanting to know the rest of an AOL headline. -
Anonymous commented
see the main topic
Anonymous commented
Your arrogance in this regard is sickening. You have 150 people telling you to stop an abusive policy, and, basically, you don't give a ****. typical AOL non-response.
So, continue to lose your customer base. Management need sto take ahard look at the brain-dead people you have working for you.
Anonymous commented
see above.
Anonymous commented
"Next Page" - "Next Page" ****
Anonymous commented
I totally agree with those who find the AOL "next page" practice to be completely annoying and cause for skipping stories. Just stop it.
Robert Graham commented
why do you insist on having articles formatted to cover 25 pages with a sentence or two on a page? I understand you want revenue from ads. but seriously?
Jo commented
I have stopped clicking and scrolling. If you want me to read any of your stories/posts, please place them on one page, not 10 or 15 pages in which I have to scroll thru and then click to continue reading.
Anonymous commented
If you have a story to tell don't make me keep scrolling thru spam to read it. List the entire story. I just become irritated and click off it. Quit dragging it out. You're losing me.
Anonymous commented
I agree with a lot of people. I don't read a lot of your stories because I don't want to next page after reading three or four lines. Put them all together on one or two pages and we will enjoy them a lot more
Anonymous commented
Why does AOL lead the readers to a story, just to make them click, click, click, click in order to read the rest of the story. You can see by the comments that I am not the only one with this complaint. Please stop doing this. Yahoo looks pretty good.
Alex commented
Many news do not have link.
Anonymous commented
I know you strive to get every ad dollar you can, but the horrible "Next Page" addiction you have to force opening new pages, and timing the refresh rate so that clicking "Next Page" will frequently instead bring up an advertisers page is no more than a scam. Anymore, if I click on a story I'd like read and it contains the dozen-page "Next Page" drivel, I pass. For this reason I will be stopping using AOL as my homepage and you won't get any of that advertising. Horrible, horrible scam on users.
Susan Janes commented
I see lots of interesting stories, but I am NOT going to click next page, next page, next page to read them. One page should do it.
SAM ROARK commented
One story one page the way it was before the college boys took over. I will never buy anything advertised on AOL until it's on the first page.
The Boss commented
Please post a story on one or two pages. This advertising page after page turns readers off. Post your storied unbiased or at least try to look that way.
Laura commented
I agree with these comments, the "next page" stories are a bunch of **** that can't be read because multiple ads are loading and the page just freezes up. Another frustrating issue is your left wing ***** on every political story. Isn't news supposed to be fair and impartial? Why don't you try it for once but until you do I will get my news elsewhere.
Anonymous commented
Fix AOL The absolute worst news site to check anything...the ****** of breaking almost every article into multiple pages is boring and frustrating at the same time...every time I open a story and it has a NEXT I immediately close it a brainless person came up with this...make every article an article of one page or continue it in length but not the ****** NEXT garbage...I go to CNN, FOX, MSNBC.,..anyplace from the left wing biased AOL...
Kerry commented
stop having to click through several pages just to read a **** story. I won`t bother reading stories just for this fact.This is ********!!!!