You are abusing your customers. We all know it. AOL content is no longer readable because of the "next page" business model and ad loading.
Janet Hoover commented
Everyday I get this message: This webpage is using significant memory. Closing it may improve the responsiveness of your Mac. What the heck are you guys doing that uses all this memory? Maybe stop all the moving ads! I also hate your stories that have a picture with a few sentences and then having to click next to continue. The pages have moving ads that sometimes pop up just as you try to click next which then take you to the ad. I refuse to click on any story that requires me to hit next to continue. Put the story on one page please!!!!
John Davis commented
all stories on one page
Anonymous commented
Try to once in awhile provide the information that a user selects on your front page to be on the next screen. Most of the time it is a lead on to bring you a bunch of other information including advertisements that I am not really interested in. I realize that advertising is where you get your income but enough is enough.
mary commented
It is terrible that you can no longer read a story without you expecting you viewers to go thru multiple pages without the option to see it all on one page
Anonymous commented
Stop requiring 20 clicks for read every story. If you want to show the top 10 or 15 of something just show it.
Anonymous commented
using both edge and chrome and having same issue on both platforms.
Anonymous commented
I absolutely agree as it is infuriating!
Anonymous commented
Get rid of the NEXT NEXT NEXT STUFF.
Anonymous commented
The story is already out. AOC was in an almost empty parking lot when she was "crying". And how about ever telling the truth. These same detainment centers were there under obama. The thing that has made it worse is all the left wing groups supporting the illegals trying to get across the border. The democrats do NOT want to fix this. Giving freebees to non-citizens won't go well in the 2020 elections, so keep it up.
Anonymous commented
Your news may be interesting but having to click "Next" every 5 sentences is ridiculous. It takes forever to read what normally would take 3 min. Is it to distract us from the poor writing? How they veer off the subject with too much filler that doesn't pertain to the headline itself. Or just to tic us off and lose readers? I also love the way the "Next" button move just when you try to click so it misses and you get an advertisement instead. Then have to go back ...blah,blah,blah. Making it work to read your articles not enjoyment.
Anonymous commented
I spent 1.5 hrs on the "Hero is a baboon" and finally gave up. A waste of time. I was baited that the next click on "next" would reveal the point of the article. Never happened. It kept on doing it and doing it and finally, after the time I wasted on it I decided to waste more time telling you about it. A 24 year paying customer got fed up with your "bait and switch", If you want to share a article with a story, get to it and get to the point. You wasted my time and I still do not know the ending of the story not do I appreciate the method you employ to have readers follow along. This will be my last one. I learned my lesson. I wasted my time. You should be ashamed that this fluff stuff is allowed to the degree that you have let it. And I am ashamed of myself for wasting the time that I did with it.
m lane commented
I use aol for email NEVER look at anything else because of your click bate- next. ********
Anonymous commented
Just post the article.
wayne commented
post a story in completion on one page not 6 or 7 different pages
Carlos commented
Anonymous commented
When posted a story get as much on one page, this having to click next page all the time is frustrating. And calm down on the ad's, my good goodness. This is why I don't read AOL very much anymore. It's a pain to get through any story.
glenn sweany commented
I thought you were ****** when you went with the multiple page spread on each story, but you have , in fact, gone worse with your splatter technique across all pages
ron commented
I am tired of selecting a website and then being shown a new page of websites. Selecting on that page brings up a new set of websites and so on and so on. Your never really get to where you want to go. Better to use Internet Explorer. Less travel!
Anonymous commented
I would like to click on a news item & read it entirely instead of paging through many pages. Give option to get answer to the item or page through all the background. I quit the news item before getting to the end since it takes forever & mostly ads take up most of the space anyway.
Gina commented
Your news blows. Try telling interesting true stories and stop with the next, next, next. Who the **** wants to click next twenty times to read a ********* story.Plus you are biased. Do you not understand news is supposed to be unbiased and tell facts only.