Stop censoring conservative comments
I have been with aol since the begging of email and I think you clowns running it now absolutely stink. I will add my voice to my congressional reps to create regulation to stop you and all social media outlets from censoring opinion. Unless it is threatening violence to an individual, *********** or human trafficking then you should not be censoring anything.
Can't improve AOL because they are so bias against Republicans. Sure can tell by the way our President gets trashed and most of those comments don't get rejected. I follow guidelines and mine gets rejected no matter what I say.
Anonymous commented
***** your Censorship.
It gets ridiculous that AOL has taken such a position - but to some extent, I agree it needed to be done. However, when you block a post when the only possible word that would be considered inflammatory is "*****" as in *****, Africa, it shows your lack of intelligence. Read before you Block!
Anonymous commented
Some very very ugly comments on AOL, yet mine get censored. I had used AOL since inception, time to say good-bye, I do not work well with dictatorial censorship, I SUPPORT OUR FIRST AMENDMENT.
Bye AOL, -
Carol commented
I am very upset.
Erik Hamilton commented
I get it. I do. I also get that I posted links to science. I did that. It's against the rules, sadly, and I now know the rules. How can I get my permanent comment ban removed?
[Deleted User] commented
you need to make better attempts in your comment guideline reviews. My comment had not one thing that you considered to be inappropriate in your guidelines, and yet I got rejected, which kind of stinks, as other comments that were actually quite contentious got in.
Anonymous commented
Ease up on the ads, your pages don't even load most of the time.
Chazzz commented
Censorship is not permitted in the US. Hire some people who can read and understand the English language before censoring honest statements.
Anthony Hedberg commented
AOL is no longer a fair and equal platform. I have been unable to post or comment in the News Feed for several years now. Your "reasons" are that my comments violate Community Standards. Thing is, I could post, "The sun is shining. Oh, happy day!" and you STILL block it. Why? WHY?
Anonymous commented
Allow comments on articles.
Mushman Peets commented
Give me back my ability to post my thoughts you ***.
Anonymous commented
Your comments section is messed up again and has been for weeks. The notification indicator doesn't have the number or responses to my comments. I am not directed to responses, only to the news story, hence I have to scroll through comments before finding mine. And, if I'm already on a news page, I cannot read responses to my comments without leaving the page, coming back to it, and again, scrolling through dozens or hundreds or comments before I find mine.
Anonymous commented
Quit being a *****, let us comment
Dale commented
How is this against community guidelines?
""Right now, however, Florida is experiencing a record spike in new infections, as are states like Texas and Arizona. There is no evidence yet that the Black Lives Matter protests that have swept the nation for the last three weeks are fueling the sudden rise in COVID-19 outbreaks." These are an odd couple of sentences to put together. The author provides no context to why they are equating the two. It almost seems like the author is having an argument with themselves, instead of just reporting the news." -
Pamela Dancy commented
And there is NO reason for my comments to be blocked. So what's up? Can't read English?
Anonymous commented
Fire the "Community" editors/reviewers.
Pamela Dancy commented
Because the word Hello is not outside of ANYONE'S guidelines.
Pamela Dancy commented
Remind people to screen-shot comments before they get deleted. For the lawsuits.