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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10663 results found
AOL employee are jealous of Superman Trumpster he's hammering your dopey TDS brains once again !
AOL employee are jealous of Superman Trumpster he's hammering your dopey TDS brains once again !
4162nd ranked -
4162nd ranked
unlock my account so I can post.
Unlock my account so I an post
2322nd ranked -
Please consider changes....
On AOL, I consistently see biased views on politics, repeated stories, made up stories, and articles that seems like children wrote them. Sometimes I am amused at certain articles and love reading. But quite honestly, when I see the other, I change news sites.
4162nd ranked -
I go on other browsers and get different news and slants on the news that are not biased. I have been with AOL since the early 90's and I am disgusted at your bias.
2322nd ranked -
Stop spreading fake news!!
You can improve aol by stop spreading lies about President Donald j Trump you never post anything positive about him its always negative.Trump has been one of the best presidents this country has ever seen. He has been in office for a short period of time but however he has been able to accomplished so much for all races of people especially African-American people. We had Obama and Jim Crow Joe for 8 years and they did nothing and I mean absolutely nothing for the black community Obama and Biden needs to be ashamed of themselves. And there is a…
2322nd ranked -
2322nd ranked
Am unable to login to AOL home page for the past 3+ hours. Please fix this problem -- this is my 3rd report today.
Am unable to login to AOL home page for the past 3+ hours. Please fix this problem -- this is my 3rd report today.
4162nd ranked -
It's strange how all the commercials get through, but comments cannot. AOL used to be good, now it's going down the "Trump Trail."
Strange how all the commercials get through, but the comments are somehow "lost" in translation. Enough of the commercials, on with relevant issues.
4162nd ranked -
AOL is a Fascist run company now and it's falling in line with the MSM and Antifa and BLM! Dems are liars and AOL is helping them spread ths
AOL is a Fascist run company now and it's falling in line with the MSM and Antifa and BLM! Dems are liars and AOL is helping them spread their lies and propaganda!
2322nd ranked -
" Get out of Politics "
It's been a long time since I joined AOL. Rest assure, though, it's coming to an abrupt end since you all got involved in politics. Your views seem like their one sided...Your side....I invite you to convince me wrong...
800th ranked -
AOL employees suffer from insane amounts of TDS and need mental help immediately !
AOL employees suffer from insane amounts of TDS and need mental help immediately !
4162nd ranked -
Can't access my aol email on my Amazon fire tablet......WHY ? This must be fixed NOW !!!!
Can't access my aol email on my Amazon fire tablet......WHY ? This must be fixed NOW !!!!
1489th ranked -
My comments get rejected everytime but CNN host can get away with get well and get it together, slam
Thats the stories AOL like to run, especially anything CNN says. So bias, its sickening. Thats why AOL can't be improved, because of all the bias B.S.
1074th ranked -
you morons know the aol news politics sports output is kaput. cant click items on etc you morons
getting you to realize you are morons.
2322nd ranked -
10420th ranked
Keep your news down to 30 inSTEAD OF 65+ AND MAKE IT HOURLY NEW
Keep your NEW news down to 30 and make it 4hourly new, instead of 65 news and 60hrs "new",
4162nd ranked -
Every time I have tried to download, take survery for Donald Trump or donate to his campaign. I AM NOT ALLOWED TO DO THIS!!! NOT RIGHT
Why are you not allowing Conservative Republicans to take surverys,
make donations for Trump, etc. THIS IS NOT RIGHT for you to decide
what I can say or contribute to Trump or other Republicans.4162nd ranked -
do you morons know this news feature does not work? no clicking of an item works? no scrowling forward or back works? you are idiots... this
make the ******* thing work
2322nd ranked -
The realistic Teddy Lucky Dog is a scam. Check You Tube. Stop scams on AOL! I pay for AOL.
As AOL paying customer, I find it unacceptable to find Scam advertisements to AOL customers. Do some serious investigating into the realistic Teddy Lucky scam and it is rampant on Amazon, is on Walmart site and Etsy. This is big. Many sellers and various sites.
1489th ranked
- Don't see your idea?