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10762 results found
Stop being political.
Stop being political. Half your audience are not in agreement.
174th ranked -
feedback..positive change?
I have tried before and aol seems to not care about what goes on in the chat rooms anymore! Please take a look at the chat going on in super high stakes texas holdem games! Filthy language and now we have one with copy and paste chat on a revolving, constant way of being on all the time. We who enjoy chat and poker would greatly appreciate you doing something about this constant harassment from a certain few people. Please!!!!!
1082nd ranked -
More Negative Trump Headlines to Hide the Real News
The Justice Department is getting ready to blow the lid off the FBI investigation into the Trump Administration. We don't know if it was ordered directly by Obama or just "understood", but it's coming and NO amount of fake news by YOU and your buddies is going to stop it!
812th ranked -
My cookies aren't disabled you idiots
Quit showing a message that my cookies are disabled! I think it's a direct violation of my 1st amendment rights, so YOU don't have to show my comments
2337th ranked -
1498th ranked
Stop Bashing Trump
You are worse than CNN. I am going to cancel my AOL Gold. I am tried of AOL bias.
2337th ranked -
Stop the left wing bias
Another day, and we start off with 3 anti-Trump headlines at the outset. You people lean so far left, it's a wonder you don't fall over!
440th ranked -
Stop printing left wing propaganda
your biased news sucks..Fake news
533rd ranked -
One screen story
Put the story on one screen dumb ****. What a waste of time. You advertising doesn't sell more. You suck aol
812th ranked -
2337th ranked
The Left's Dystopian Nightmare
This is the first in a series of what the left wants us to believe.1. Somehow it's un-American to count how many Americans there are in America. 2. Russians "trying to influence our elections is bad", but illegals (undocumented to you) voting is good. This is just the beginning of the idiocy!
1498th ranked -
I received an email that was supposedly from the United States Postal Service, but was from scammers in Brazil trying to get credit card inf
I received an email that was supposedly from the United States Postal Service but was actually from scam artists in Brazil trying to get my credit card information.
2337th ranked -
4187th ranked
Support for Biden
The "Widespread" support of Biden is the perfect example of The Emperor's New Wardrobe. Everyone "important" is raving about the emperor's new wardrobe when he is actually naked! (sounds like Biden at home with the female secret service guards present) It take a little kid to say, "He has no clothes on"! The obvious is ignored. (He's an incompetant dirty old man.) The crowning act of Hillary's endorsement couldn't be at a more perfect time. She is well known supporter of ****** predators and has no credibility of standing up for "real" cases of ****** harassment. Remember the "bimbo eruptions"?
2337th ranked -
Stop accepting political ads, as per below, that say a lie right on their face.
This POTUS re-election campaign ad, url copied below, is downright sick, and implies that it is a truth when it is not. All it does is feed the massive amount of bashing you are currently getting by organize Right Wing orgs (and likely the Russian and E Euro on line trolls, again as in 2016).
1498th ranked -
Please repair the AOL Game Wahoo the Marble game. He hasn't worked properly for a long time
4187th ranked -
2337th ranked
Fauci Fluff
Instead of reporting on SNL, Brad, and Fauci, YOU should have a headline on Fauci giving a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan lab and ask the question, "Why are we listening to someone who the democrats seem to love and is part of the swamp"? ?Answer: Because YOU are part of the swamp and YOU ignore REAL NEWS!
2337th ranked -
Are we experiencing the Green New Deal now?
I believe we are experiencing the effects of what it would be like to live in the age of the Green New Deal unwittingly right now. Very little air travel or travel of any kind, with shortages of meat and paper products. AOC and her Squad are getting a sample of what they want.
2337th ranked -
2337th ranked
- Don't see your idea?