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10783 results found
4191st ranked
Fake mother *******
not necessary to improve AOL. After President Trump is reelected your publication and its phony ******* fake reporters (not journalists) will be burned at the stake or better yet lynched en mass.
4191st ranked -
not necessary to improve AOL. After President Trump is reelected your publication and its phony ******* fake reporters (not journalists) will be burned at the stake or better yet lynched en mass.
4191st ranked -
1500th ranked
Ad removal and censure of information.
Let us make our own minds up as to what we want to see in our e-mails. Stop interfering in our accounts. Also please stop putting in ads that we don't want to see. it's our account, not yours. If we want to see something, stop saying you took it out because it didn't go along with your ideas of common civility. You're a service to collect information and pass it on to us. As older adults, we have the ability to make our own decisions and we don't need you to make them for us.
2341st ranked -
Cuomo's Picture with Daughter
That's a very nice thought, but the real takeaway is what YOU do with news! YOU would never do this with Trump or any Republican. YOU just do cruel and evil things. ADMIT IT! Cuomo's covid19 handling is horrible! He's the one who ordered recovering patients into nursing homes. He's the one who encouraged people to socialize and not worry, initially. He's the one who wants the rest of the tax payers to bail him and his stupidity out for THREE years! And the best YOU can do is kiss ***? This is the kind of reporting that led to…
2341st ranked -
Done with AOL
No more AOL--got new homepage that's not bias
4191st ranked -
Where Are the "Tell All" Book Quotes from Trump' Niece?
Oh, already debunked, but that was last week's Trump Gotcha anyway........
4191st ranked -
Why CEO'S Support Trump. (DUH)
It's about the economy, stupid. Who wants an obama economy? (or a Biden economy) Large investment companies are predicting a Trump win, and whether or not COVID is around, Trump does way better than any democrat would, because of the radical left! YOU KNOW IT AND WE THE PEOPLE KNOW IT.
4191st ranked -
AOL declined to delete an extra email AIM account that i requested
AOL didn't delete the extra email account AIM when i requested, should i make a legal case against AOL as the gang has damaged my computer! i know the gang who have been doing their utmost to harm me, and because AOL wasn't willing to delete the account they have succeeded in damaging my computer. i think this is a legal case because i requested AOL to delete it when it was pushed into my computer. AOL can do so at the back end, yet, declined!
4191st ranked -
Take a seminar in civility.
Your anti-Trump bias is not only boring and predictable, it is an exercise in what is generally considered to be déclassé behavior.
4191st ranked -
Goya Boycot
I see you reported on a potential boycot of Goya Foods because the CEO doesn't hate Trump. Then I noticed your news source was the Huffington Post. Why don't you just use the Antifa newletter since it has the same degree of objectiveness.
4191st ranked -
The Truth About Goya and the Asinine Cancel Culture that AOL Supports
The PC police and "one person out of 99 being "offended" so we have to cowtow to them, has nothing to do with being civil or "nice". It is a political device used by YOU AOL and your leftist buddies do away with substantive discussion of ideas. The left is bereft of ideas to deal with anything or anyone, so they bully, character assassinate, blame, and hate. I can understand why Biden doesn't want to debate Trump. Not only can he not mentally keep up with Trump, the left's ideas can't be defended, because they aren't logical and are bad…
4191st ranked -
Moving the Goal Posts
You lefties can't have it both ways, but you try hard enough! First, it was level the curve. Then, it was more testing. Those criteria were met, then it was look at the data. The data has proved the deaths are a very low percentage. NOW, it's, "We have to have a vaccine before we open up". The democrat governors are trying to get a bailout from the taxpayers for their incompetence and foolish spending. They are also trying to keep businesses closed. Maxine Watters unwittingly admitted it. They want to hurt the American people and businesses by using "science"…
2341st ranked -
you have locked me out of aol
you have locked me out of my aol email
2341st ranked -
aol i have been a member for a long time pay every month and yet you take my comments off even when i post the excepted posts
been posting long time and you keep removing them what is the reason? SHOULD I GET A LAWYER ?
2341st ranked -
I haven't gotten any emails from washington post webiste.One of your senior technician says its automatically blocked by your server.
Can you unblock I do have subscription from Washington post and I think that it unfair since not all AOL member has subscription from them.
4191st ranked -
I'd like to end my membership for which I pay as I have not neede or used any of the benefits. How do I do this? Jeff Gibbons
I am not using any of the benefits of the membership for which I pay. How do I cancel it and go to a free membership?
1500th ranked -
Tell your 3rd party provider for the Comment section to stop screwing around and fix it.
The comments section is "really nice" to notify a commenter when someone replies - however there is no way the original commenter can see what the person who replied said... we only get some computerese gobbledygook page. Until Verizon Media and their inept programmers became involved - the comment section actually functioned.
1500th ranked -
Edit Contacts
I have been trying for one whole day to simply edit a previous contact in my email list. I keep getting the message that the "server is down." When will it be "up"??
1500th ranked
- Don't see your idea?