You can't say "CHIT" with an "S", but you can access all the **** you could ever want. Go figure THAT out. & they insist on removing my posts because they seem to disagree with my opinion.

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Chester Mohn commented
How is it that when ever I post ANYTHING it is removed as going against community standards? The last time I posted the word YES. And it was rejected as going against community standards. AND YOU FOLKS NEVER ANSWER ME!!! What do I have to do? Go to the ACLU or hire a lawyer?
How about a little free speech, and less fascist censorship.
KENNETH FOSS commented
Let the comments for any issue be open! This is an open society. Only in totalitarian countries do we find freedom of expression cut off.
Nannette McGowan commented
I have had my AOL account for 30 years and that, of course, means everyone in my family, friends and businesses have that address. It seems that AOL is counting on people like me who just don't want to inform a massive number of people of an email address change to keep their account regardless of being BANNED from posting any comments on news article threads. It started in 2012 that AOL would reject ALL of my comments periodically... especially in the months before an election. I have followed their guidelines and rules so the only possible reason for them doing this is because of my moderately conservative views (I'm a pro-choice, fiscal conservative). ALL of my comments have been rejected since the first week in August of 2021... a year and 8 months. For a company named "America On Line" to reject a long term American citizen customer's comments with no explanation and no method of resolving the problem seems extremely unethical. They have promoted chat sites that they suggest I become involved in but why should I do that when they won't even allow me to post on comment threads. It seems they prefer left wing trolls to those who actually want to post intelligent comments. It doesn't make good business sense at all.
Nannette McGowan commented
I have had my AOL account for 30 years and that, of course, means everyone in my family, friends and businesses has that address. It seems that AOL is counting on people like me who just don't want to inform a massive number of people of an email address change to keep their account regardless of being BANNED from posting any comments on news article threads. It started in 2012 that AOL would reject ALL of my comments periodically... especially in the months before an election. I have followed their guidelines and rules so the only possible reason for them doing this is because of my moderately conservative views (I'm a pro-choice, fiscal conservative). ALL of my comments have been rejected since the first week in August of 2021... a year and 8 months. For a company named "America On Line" to reject a long term American citizen customer's comments with no explanation and no method of resolving the problem seems extremely unethical. They have promoted chat sites that they suggest I become involved in but why should I do that when they won't even allow me to post on comment threads. It seems they prefer left wing trolls to those who actually want to post intelligent comments. It doesn't make good business sense at all.
I just saw a comment that was rejected that had a P T Barnum quote. I worked in DP for forty years and had to become experienced with using algorithms. The comment that was rejected had no explanation and therefore must have been rejected because of the algorithm and limited understanding of the person who reviewed it. Yet your algorithm lets far more offensive comments through reflecting a strong bias in the algorithm and reviewer. Do you need help in updating and eliminating biases from your algorithm. If not, then start rejecting others more offensive but then that would be defeating the psychological value of expression! ! ! If you really want to improve and help, tell why you rejected! ! ! Or stop being so sensitive! ! !
C.R. TESTON commented
I have always followed your rules however you have the algorithm programmed to delete all of my posts because you don't like them. Yes i'm a conservative and a paid AOL subscriber, is it your wish that I quit paying and drop the service ?
Kathryn Calder commented
The subject here is comments boards. The question is how are they monitored, by whom, and in accord with whose 'guidelines'?
My experience of chronic malfunction is that not only are my legitimate and insightful comments being routinely taken down without explanation, but now I can't even open the comments board at all! Clearly this is no technical malfunction, but FOUL PLAY!!
I demand a responsible answer from the AOL editorial board to
Robert Gagnon commented
can not leave comments at bottom of news articles. Shows for 30 seconds then says comment removed for violating rules. called tech and theyh could not fix it.
Eric Shane commented
I can say prayers for those involved and I am blocked Aol yahoo is a communist tool
stop the **** on deleting my comments. I don't use racism or profanity. Just bc you are all democrats, I don't have to agree with all you think. I'm going to look for another server like Yahoo, etc. I won't have to pay them
Eric Shane commented
Aol has become as corrupt as face book and Twitter and needs to be investigated! I screen shot all their hipocracy and am sending it to representative jim Jorden for his investigation and encourage others to do the same
Eric Shane commented
Yahoo AOL is as corrupt a twitter and face book and needs to be investigated
I am not allowed to comment apparently because the truth is inconvenient! -
I'm really sick of AOL censoring my posts specially when I tell the truth, use "NO" profanity and don't abuse anyone.....JUST THE TRUTH...
Eric Shane commented
start taking screen shots and report it to the panel investigating social media its the best way to force AOL yahoo to stop and change their illegal activities
Eric Shane commented
Stop sending me this mess. I don’t owe or know you.
Like the other person said.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 11, 2023, at 4:18 PM, Richard S Supko <> wrote:
In a message dated 1/11/2023 2:03:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Lmao. ********
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Cathy Winford <>
Date: 1/11/23 9:36 AM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: Invoice from Cathy Winford (0012) -
BRIAN PING commented
So why does Biden get away with this ? Because they say so, since he didn't break the threshold, that's why.....who determines the "threshold"?
BRIAN PING commented
So why does Biden get away with this ? Because they say so, since he didn't break the threshold, that's why.....who determines the "threshold"?
michael DAVIDSON commented
Posting comments on AOL is an important feature and apparently, no longer available for many news items....why?
Dina Brister commented
I have not been able to comment on any news articles for the past three years and always rejected with any comment I make. I have done nothing wrong and would like to have this problem resolved since we have been AOL customers for 24 years now