Saving drafts often slow, duplicates, triplicates occur.
This isn't a new idea. Others have complained about it but you say you can't replicate it and you close the "idea." I'm copying one comment: "Sometimes when saving Drafts, it is very slow. Then I'll find that duplicates and even triplicates are being saved. I spent an hour and a half on the phone yesterday with the Desktop Gold Tech office, and thought this problem was fixed. It is not. I have complained about this numerous times. If you won't fix it, bring back 9.8.2. I've sent this under Report A Bug also. Hopefully someone will read this." You read it but don't fix it. These duplicates and triplicates occur when one tried repeatedly to save a draft and it won't save. Then it does, many times. This can result in sending duplicates or even triplicates of the same email.