Comment#2 - How to read very old emails using AOL GOLD
Per earlier response to my 1st comment, I called Tech Support who told me the provision that I need, is not available. I was told I needed an old computer to read old emails using old AOL 9.8.2 . My old computer crashed. I now have AOL GOLD on a new computer and need to read old emails from old PFC organize files that are backed up on a flash drive. There is no provision to import old emails from old PFC organize files from a flash drive to AOL GOLD. I don't want these old emails converted to AOL GOLD. I and many other long-term AOL users, just want an option with AOL GOLD to read old emails from a flash drive. Please keep this comment open.
My precious comment is at this link

The option to import a personal filing cabinet (PFC) file from an older version of the AOL Desktop, into the AOL Desktop Gold, is now available. Before following the steps below, make sure your AOL Desktop Gold is up to date.
Go to the Help menu on the top right, select ‘About AOL‘ from the drop-down menu, and make sure you have the 11.0.2102 Revision. In case you have a lower revision, click ‘Check for Updates’ from the Help menu, and after 15-20 minutes close and reopen the AOL Desktop Gold.
The ‘PFC Import’ feature allows you manually navigate to a PFC file on your computer and import data from that file. To use this new feature follow these steps:
1. Sign in to AOL Desktop Gold.
2. Click the Settings icon.
3. While in the General settings, click the ‘My Data’ tab.
4. Click ‘PFC Import’.
5. Select your file.
6. Once your personal data is imported, you’ll have access to it in Desktop Gold.
There are two types of PFC files from the old AOL Desktop software:
1) Automatically created files:
-Exist in the old AOL Desktop’s installations “Organize” folder, with a name matching
the user’s screenname/account.
-Do NOT have the .pfc extension and are associated with a screensname/account
-If you are unsure which file, from the “Organize” folder, is the PFC file, select all the files. There is a built-in logic that will automatically select and validate the PFC.
2) Manually exported PFC files:
-These contain the .pfc extension but are NOT associated with a SN/account
-Are imported into the current AOL Desktop Gold user’s account to the “Imported on
” mailbox folder (e.g. Imported-12/12/2018).
-Are typically named Mail.pfc but can be renamed by the user.
-You can merge PFCs from one account to another account by adding the .PFC extension to the selected file. This will import the file into the currently signed in AOL Desktop Gold user’s account under the folder: Imported on .
- commented
Please contact me at and others who are having similar problems.. Can" t believe that in all of AOL you don.t have this or won't develop another 9.8.2 for distribution to solve this problem.
- commented
I feel for you. Have a similar problem. Last April AOL Tech reinstalled AOL Gold because of a welcome screen problem. I told her to back up my emails so I don't loose them. She said no problem. WELL I LOST 15 YRS OF EMAILS AND WAS TOLD SORRY CAN'T GET THEM BACK BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE 9.8.2 still on your computer. Thanks for telling me that...........I have retrieved my emails from a backup program on my computer and have them on my desktop. AOL tech now says they cannot import these files to AOL Gold because they are incompatable with Gold software. They said I need to get aol 9,8,2 reinstalled on my computer and then they can import the files on a read only basis which is fine with me. The only problem which is huge is getting a CD copy of 9.8.2 or place to download it. I have a computer engineer working with me and she got my files back but unable to get 9.8.2,,,Maybe we both need a copy??Best of luck, AOL only says SORRY No help with 9.8.2 and 15 years of email memories my wife had stored . If you or anyone has a way to get 9.8.2 please email me at
M Kurihara commented
From what I read, the personal filing cabinet is stored in a local database folder, which can be opened by accessing the LOCALAPPDATA\AOLDesktopData\db folder. However, this folder contains sqlite files. Is there a way to manipulate the organize or pfc files so that it can be used with the sqlite files?
M Kurihara commented
I need to be able to import the old organize files into AOL Desktop Gold. The Import Wizard does not recognize the existence of these so it doesn't import them. These emails are vital and I need access to them. Please offer some options for what can be done here.
Anonymous commented
Shhhh! Aol tech can't tell you how to do it. Must be top secret but here's how.Go to Settings > General > My Data > Export. It takes some time but it does save the information in a file. Note where you have saved the information on your old computer. It did take a couple of tries to make sure that the exported file contained all the information so check the size of the file. Then using a flash drive or external drive, copy to your new computer. Open AOL GOLD on your new computer and "Import" and highlight that file.
bluebird01 commented
Comment#3 - What is the status of determining a method in AOL GOLD to read the old PFC organize files, from previous versions, that are saved on a flash drive. Obviously, the current generation of programmers believed only current emails needed to be converted to AOL GOLD. But there are many comments on this forum that we long-time AOL users, need the functionality to read very old emails saved as backups! I have too many saved PFC organize files to be converted to AOL GOLD anyway. I just need to read these very old emails. As a former programmer, I find that this lack of analysis to be abominable.
Link to comment#2