Liberal hack
I see AOL continues to feed its brain dead visitors to liberal and hate trump articles. Why not simply be truthful and declare yourself a Left Wing appendage of the Liberal Socialist Democratic Party? You are not fooling anyone. Your "wonderful" painting of Bernie and Kamala makes me sick. I am surprised your lips are not worn out from all the butt kissing you did for Obama....but here we go again. YOU ****.
Pat McRae commented
Stop the political bashing.
Max Kalafat commented
Huff Post, Yahoo News, Pravda, Communist Workers Daily........all on AOL!
Vince Guzzetta commented
Your Leftwing leaning headlines and articles are really sad. Why can't you present things fairly. You have Democrat and Republican customers, but you never have a positive GOP story. Typical Tech-type Progressive leanings serve only half of your clients.
Joe Cardosi commented
See above
Joe Cardosi commented
Stop with the obvious anti-Trump articles. We don't need any political bias on your par.
And "top speed technology" is a joke. I wait 30-40 sec for responses when it is not freezing up and telling me "Gold is not responding".
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I find it disgusting that AOL has become so Anti-Trump!!! Whatever peoples politics are I think that AOL has an obligation to write eqwually on both sides not make one side always so negatie!
Anonymous commented
Stop your far left news slants.Your customers are an older segment of society with more conservative views. You a holes don't seem to recognize this. I am considering going to gmail instead. My wife already has.
MARY KARIM commented
Trump has caused his own problems.
Anonymous commented
I have been with AOL since 1996, paying every single month ($4000+ over the years) and am fed up with your biased liberal anti-Trump news feed. Either put news on there that is non-partisan or give us PAYING CUSTOMERS an option to remove the news feed. On top of that, since you launched this **** GOLD...all I have are issues with my AOL freezing, can't get my mail.... You will soon be out of business with your Democrat Party biased fake news and your lousy service. Speaking of which....we are supposed to get 24/7 live tech support....THAT IS NOT AVAILABLE!
Kathy Bell commented
AOL is easy to use but the anti-Republican news feed is ridiculous. Does anyone know of an email service that doesn't do this?
Anonymous commented
Stop posting negative news! At least balance it was positive news. We have enough negativity in the USA. Make it a pleasure to use AOL.
Jane Bell commented
unless you change your name to Liberal News, only put real news headlines on your Welcome page. Hard enough to get around all the ads, which I shouldn't be seeing after paying your premiums. It's blatent rage coming off the page the minute I sign on. Op Ed page fine, not front page garbage.
Joe Kaplenk commented
I want to disable AOL News. I pay a good amount every month for
AOL and have been a loyal subscriber since almost day one. There is no way to disable the news feed after contacting your help desk. At least I was able to disable Huffington Post, but they seem to be driving AOL News also.
If you had balanced news coverage I wouldn't mind, but I can't even disable the search window on startup. Please either fix the problem or I'll put my money elsewhere. I have two top subscriptions. AOL used to be for everyone, but now is driving a political agenda. -
richard hice commented
Please stop bashing Trump
GY commented
My husband and I have been on AOL for 25 years!!!! We will be starting the process of cancelling AOL because we DIDN'T PAY FOR FAKE NEWS!! We are really sick of the blatant consistent lies in your "AOL News" We are DONE!!!!
Anonymous commented
If you allow Jack Quaid to say F**** Trump then we should be able to say F*** Jack Quaid. Why do you allow that to be printed but you do not allow anyone from the right to respond in kind?
ROBERT Z commented
why is it that certain posters cannot show their reputation points correctly, but always reverts to "one" point. Are the AOL overseers punishing Trump supporters? It does seem that they are biased to the left.
Anonymous commented
Your News topics (that are in the center of our screen) are all anti-Trump. After paying over $3,500 for your service-I am done!! Stop with your liberal anti-Trump trash!! Try fixing all your AOL tech issues....nothing but problems over the last 6 months!
Karl commented
Stop your bias against our President