I now have 94 emails waiting for me to read, but I can't get to them....the page stays BLANK. I have SIXTY!!!! SPAM to get rid of, some duplicates I've gotten rid of numerous times. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Now when I tap "Delete All" of the SPAM, it disappears and then reappears in the regular delete area so that I have to do each of them ONE AT A TIME!!! And WHY, WHY, WHY do you send some of the regular deleted emails BACK TO ME the next day????

Please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
FUCKAOHELL! commented
Are you kidding me? I can see my new mail, but when I try to open it, I get BLANK EMAIL FORMS. WTF?? We PAY for this service and this is NOT what we expect. I am soliciting signatures and backing for yet another CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT for Violation of Contract.
RUSS LARSON commented
why is there so many problems with gold email? not available a lot of times; retry in 5 minutes; once i do see the emails; i click on it; blank; close it; click again and it loads.. Sure seems like verizon is doing a lot of "analytics" - Spying. not sure why we get charged for such a ****** service.