When I go from mail to a link I get a screen with OOPS - too many redirects. Not good.
When I go from mail to a link I get a screen with OOPS - too many redirects. Not good.

If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
David Grix commented
This is ridiculous. I don't want suggestions or auto fill when I attempt to type anything into the Internet search bar. It even causes misspellings of words attempting to keep up and sends you to sites that you weren't seeking. How did anyone allow this to get past beta testing? How about the old version being available for users that don't want to be tortured attempting to type in sites as simple as "google.com"... which, by the way now can come out as e.cm with the newly adopted program. S l o w l y typed, you will be lucky to get an old google search that you weren't looking for.
s commented
Getting ERROR: 310_ERR-TOO-MANY-REDIRECTS for last few days. This needs to be fixed ASAP
Nancy Magliari commented
aol tried to tell me this problem is caused by ebay!!! liars
s commented
Same here. Cookies and Browser not clearing either