AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
681 results found
487th ranked
all sent and most saved emails disappeared this AM. what's up?
you have a system issue with sent emails disappearing, all.
support request.487th ranked -
responses to my emails only show up in trash, as do Forwarded messages.
your email service does not function correctly.
238th ranked -
140th ranked
when sending an email on the app. It looks like I am sending it twice.
Duplicate sent emails
487th ranked -
stop deciding what you think I want to see in my inbox. I have missed a lot of important emails because the app hid them and only shows few
app doesn't show all email
238th ranked -
238th ranked
stop taking up my screen space with ads since I am already paying for AOL.
stop forcing ads on paying AOL email customers.
238th ranked -
synchronize read mail. I check my AOL mail from 4+ devices and I constantly remark mail as read between the devices phone and browsers.
This was not a common problem until an update the the phone app, perhaps a year ago.
487th ranked -
Please just stop ALL ads in my Inbox, Sent Items. Do you not think we are subjected to enough ads on a daily basis.
Just quit with the ads.....we're subjected to enough on a daily basis without having to negotiate them within our personal inbox.....give us a break
238th ranked -
im trying to send a verification code to my email account but it's not going through
im creating an email account
487th ranked -
Warum müssen um einen Anhang zu erstellen plötzlich ALLE Mails analysiert werden? Ich halte das für bedenklich und sehr übergriffig!
Alle Mails analysieren nur um einen Anhang zu erstellen?
487th ranked -
Trop de spams en anglais dans la version française ! Stop !
Trop de spams en anglais dans la version française ! Stop ! Merci.
487th ranked -
Stopper les spams en anglais SVP ( une trentaine par jour), je suis sur la version française et ne veut recevoir que du français.
Abonnée à AOL en France, bloquer les spams en anglais SVP ! Merci
487th ranked -
122nd ranked
140th ranked
487th ranked
238th ranked
Calendar problem
Calendar will not allow repeating entries and has stopped notifications on some of my repeating entries.
487th ranked -
487th ranked
- Don't see your idea?