AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1412 results found
allow user to relocate composition button. it is covering the "UNDO" button!
allow user to relocate composition button.
.it is covering the "UNDO" button!461st ranked -
461st ranked
461st ranked
461st ranked
461st ranked
Fix it, i can't send attachments to my clients or to my other email address, nothing will go through
Fix the app, i can't send any attachments or messages to my clients or to my other email address. FIX IT OR I AM LEAVING AOL FOR GOOD, 40.00 A MONTH AND IT DOESN'T WORK
461st ranked -
No confidence anything will be done or that I will even receive a response. Loss of file visibility v. annoying; limited feedback space.
461st ranked -
461st ranked
the clear cache does not work.
clear cache does not work
461st ranked -
461st ranked
Yahoo News reporters are far left activist who don't allow for rebuttal after their articles because their narratives are mostly FALSE!
Get rid of Yahoo lie pushers.
461st ranked -
How about reporting on one of the most corrupt presidents in the history of the US instead of your ******** fake stories.
1408th ranked -
461st ranked
Please change the font color of read and unread emails. All I'm seeing is BOLD and not bold which is very difficult to know if I've read it.
Different Font Colors for Read and Unread Emails
461st ranked -
461st ranked
461st ranked
go back to old AOL, this new one is horrible please now not latter thank you a long time customer😢
go back to old AOL now
461st ranked -
461st ranked
When I move emails to a personal folder, I should also be able to move them again, like to old mail. When I do this it just reappears!!
It won't let me move emails from a personal folder back to Old Mail once I have finished with it. I click all the right things and then it reappears within seconds. Very frustrating, there is clearly a glitch that needs to be fixed.
461st ranked -
this new format is terrible all my new mail comes on Trash. I don't understand why mail from my contacts is put there.
go back to old system
461st ranked
- Don't see your idea?