AOL App For Android
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1412 results found
461st ranked
461st ranked
Answer our posted questions
Lots of questions, we provide feedback but receive no answers?
461st ranked -
461st ranked
461st ranked
461st ranked
I hate coming to your site for my email. if I could move my Verizon account, I would do it immediately. I have no need for your politics.
I was able to get mail via the built in Gmail app and then not. clearly something was changed and now we all need to go to your horrible website to be barraged by leftist news before getting to our email.
461st ranked -
461st ranked
Please do NOT presume when to send my emails to spam!!
Just because I send a few emails to spam without opening it first, does NOT mean I want all emails from that sender to go to spam. Let me make that decision.
461st ranked -
Figure out a way for the cognitively impaired to be able for us older folks out here or I am afraid I'll have to delete my account.
To make a way for the older generation with cognitive impairments that can't understand these incredibly complex pages easier for us to understand. I got this way by the loss of oxygen, which just keeps debilitating. I don't normally request this, but I have to face the facts here about tho is this issue. Not accustomed to getting help because I don't need to lose my dignity. It's humiliating to ask. On my desktop or laptop rather, the online won't let me log on and it passes 2 steps even. I need some **** help here.
461st ranked -
461st ranked
this format is screwed up! constantly have password changes required. not easy to use aol anymore. you got me for 5$ a month because you the
heading for Gmail
461st ranked -
I have no problem with the email, but the news that comes up before the email does is nothing but liberal garbage.
Make the email come up first so I don't see the garbage news.
461st ranked -
In suggest you ditch the new email format and go back to the old !!
This new email does not satisfy
461st ranked -
461st ranked
461st ranked
Allow a "setting", so I can see my Email first, not the "clickbait" simulated "news" (c'mon, we know it is not News.)..... combine the Click
A setting, that allows me to use my "Email app", to see my Email....if I Really want to look at Clickbait News, I should have a setting available, that will allow me to see the "News Page" with only ...say, 14 or 15 "clicks", so I can get to the "News Page" with the urgency it deserves.
461st ranked -
need to fix the issue of the inability to view messages in landscape form on the phone.
just do it..
461st ranked -
461st ranked
Allow user to default to MAIL and not NEWS especially for PAYG people. It actually COSTS MONEY each time your app defaults back to news !!
Defaulting to 'news' page causes unwanted data usage and waste of money for PAYG users when all they might want to do is check their email!
461st ranked
- Don't see your idea?