I'm guessing that AOL staff and etc.,are Trump supporters and can't wait to BASH BIDEN. When he has a negative reviews they are always put a
Bias news is the root of all our problems. People believe what they read without looking at more information. AOL is at the top of the bias list and I smell Trump all over it's news. Biden is our president whether you like it or not. Let's get behind him and try to HELP instead of find fault with everything he does.

this is because yahoo/aol was bought by facebook
D.R.LaVoie commented
If Brandon makes it to the podium without tripping, it's a good day for him.
Anonymous commented
There is no good news to post about Biden.
Anonymous commented
Good for America - thanks Bob
JMM commented
No way am I going to get behind a fool that had caused so much destruction for this country. Trump was a far better President then this fool wreaking havoc on our communities.
lzyi commented
Ha. Do you even bother to read the liberal disgusting trash reported by AOL. Apparently not?!? MAGA
Anonymous commented
you cant be for real AOL news is the biggest load of left wing bs on the planet
Normal citizen commented
You're joking right🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 AOL is a Lefty. The fact that you believe the opposite is very concerning, seek help.
Anonymous commented
Biden does enough bashing all by himself: border, gas, vaccines the list goes on and on. You can't honestly believe he is capable, he can barely stay awake.
Anonymous commented
aol conservative 🙄 are you kidding? Oh and by the way: Let's Go Brandon!
Anonymous commented
Well Sir,
I haven't seen any positive AOL news concerning President Trump. At every opportunity AOL denigrates President Trump. Your assurtion that Biden is our lawfully elected president is patently the product of ignorance of the election corruption especially in the "battleground" states. Obviously you cower to the Marxist media of CNN and MSBN. Wake up fool! -
Anonymous commented
Trump supporters?? Please. You're either naive, brainwashed, intellectually challenged and/or a troll. Probably all of the above. How are you enjoying President Beholden's rising inflation? Mandatory vaccines for all? Increasing crime? Open borders (mostly unvetted criminals, that'll end well!)? Big Government, Business, Tech, China = Demoncratic Party. Think for yourself, study (true) history and WAKE AND GROW TF UP. Grow a set, too! BTW, none of this is new. Trump just exposed it and shook it up. THAT'S why they HATE him.
Anonymous commented
i see it
Anonymous commented
I'm 76 years old, drafted during the Vietnam War, honorably served my country, attended, and graduated from college, and I can't believe Americans can't see that we have to pull together to solve many of our major problems. Ladies and Gentlemen," our major corporations sold this country to China ". They owns us, and we should be demanding ,all !!, our politicians stop fighting each other and start manufacturing our products, and services. This includes our labor unions, private corporations, local and state government agencies as well. I can't believe we have fallen this low and can't see it. Sad, real sad.