AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
673 results found
456th ranked
Figure how why it is not appearing or has a circle and not downloading and lets talk about ads that pop up in the middle of e mails?
Why don't you have staff?
456th ranked -
Remove noxious box telling me what's next in email - you already bombard my email enough. NO NEED TO FURTHER ANNOYME EVERY MINUTE I READ
bothersome box announcing what's next in email
224th ranked -
i can't move new emails to any folders after reading. happens with only one acct. please fix. thx
New email that are read are not going to designated folders as requested and shown as moved
456th ranked -
I agree with so many others. the previous format worked better. auto removing read email is awful. let user move it or delete.
so many elements of the old format were far more functional. one nice addition would be the ability to add subfolders to folders for saved messages. auto removal of read messages is very inconvenient
456th ranked -
456th ranked
Mit dieser App ein Bild anhängen ist katastrophal. Ich will nicht zu irgendeiner anderen Plattform weiter geleitet werden, sondern einfach
Anhang in der App katastrophal
456th ranked -
Aol App is so messed up now. Deleted mail goes into new mail count, then show s up days later in Trash. Now my new mail has disappeared!
Please fix the App!
456th ranked -
how do I delete file attachments
asking how to delete file attachments. swiping to left does not work
224th ranked -
456th ranked
make sure I can save my password, and DON'T get asked for it every time I try to open the app.
I keep having to change my password and I am sick and tired of it. Please allow me to see a password and USE it. I have used AOL for decades, would hate to have to change now.
224th ranked -
when using aol mail, am unable to view aol mail in landscape, even though phone is set to auto rotate on my Google phone. Please fix.
Need to auto rotate aol mail
456th ranked -
456th ranked
224th ranked
try to help to resolve problems.I am 75 and lost all of my email history only to be told you can only reply to one query per email address
look after older long established members
456th ranked -
224th ranked
I am getting duplicate emails.
I continue to get duplicate emails
224th ranked -
456th ranked
how do i connect my aol email address to outlook email. aol keeps telling me to correct the email address or password,i am 100% sure it is
connect to outlook
456th ranked -
Please stop sending my inbox messages to old mail after I read them. once I read the email I can decide where they need to go.
Leave inbox messages in the inbox once they are read. I can decide where my messages go when I done with them. Thanks
456th ranked
- Don't see your idea?