Stop censoring conservative comments
I have been with aol since the begging of email and I think you clowns running it now absolutely stink. I will add my voice to my congressional reps to create regulation to stop you and all social media outlets from censoring opinion. Unless it is threatening violence to an individual, *********** or human trafficking then you should not be censoring anything.
Anonymous commented
my post defending Rush Limbaugh was deleted all the nasty posts remain
Anonymous commented
My post was removed because I defended Rush Limbaugh against the nasty onslaught that surrounded his statement about his cancer treatment they post were very mean spirited does AOL not care what happens to a human being that is very ill...??
Anonymous commented
Some idiots keep deleting my comments when they are NOT cursing or anything. Left won't win, foreign monitors, you're wasting your time.
Guess commented
He couldn't get a job selling lemonade. AOL Moderator is a loser and a failure
Guess commented
Here is the statement I posted that was just removed. (I agree with you completely. (I bet the AOL moderator will remove this comment.)
Yes it was removed. Yet I read some of the most vile and horrible comments made on this post by dumpster loving scum and failures and they are all still there. FIRE THIS BIASED *** KISSING MODERATOR NOW!!!!
Anonymous commented
My comment, "Karma is waiting right around the corner for #45!!!!" was flagged..."Your comment was rejected as it apparently was not aligned with our Community Guidelines." What are the freaking Community Guidelines??? I can't find them or AOL doesn't want them to be found!!!
Patricia Hanlon commented
SEVEN DAYS AND COUNTING the comment section has been down , I've posted on this 1/2 a dozen times and not one word in the form of an " update. "
Patricia Hanlon commented
NO COMMENT SECTION ON ANY ARTICLE -- should we comment in the Feedback section instead ?
SCOTT McCullen commented
Some people here get away with calling others liars and name, but others (like me) can't get away with suggesting someone is a Russian troll or that they are dense. Lighten up with the censorship.
Pamela Dancy commented
You deleted "Good Grief." All no wrong postings. Do you know your own guidelines? Think you're playing a game? People pay for this service.
ian farnsworth commented
The person that you have monitoring this site should be fired and or have their privileges revoked. My post was deleted 3 times for no good reason. All my post said was that if they were going to stop excepting cash then they would lose my business. Instead they are controlling what peoples thoughts are on a public forum and this is going against our first amendment rights which is very illegal. All I said was that if these salons are going to stop taking cash then they will lose my business. I did not speak outside of your rules, these are just my thoughts, that is all. I need someone to contact me back regarding this problem.
Anonymous commented
Stop deleting conservative posts. Mine have been deleted for over 2 months, cannot post anything even though no swearing, nothing negative, etc.
-oiiiio- commented
Stop deleting my posts to comment section.
Marty Adams commented
Not an "idea" but a problem: When I try to open a "Notification" that someone has responded to one of my posts I get this error message: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. Document tree is shown below.
Pop Disgraziato, Jr. commented
I posted NOTHING wrong. El Stupido . . . is the guys name on his post!! You are being Ridiculous!!
Patrick O'Brien commented
My account (***) has been banned from posting on the AOL news forums. If I post a message in the conversations, it will appear to have posted. But if I log out, clear my tracking cookies and then log back in, then my posting is gone. I notice that whenever I log in - I have been assigned a user name that I DID NOT select - that is "***". This is repeatable on multiple computers and is not a technical problem but a problem set in motion by the forum moderators and probably tied to my "assigned" user name. Censoring political speech (a protected activity( needs to stop. Lift the ban on my account and others. You can tell from the effort and analysis I have put into this - this is not the final step I will take if you do not rectify this situation. I will make this a hobby and it won't cost ME a cent.
Anonymous commented
AOL is still banning comments
mushman commented
Why in **** am I not allowed to post my views AOL? You still take fees out of my account for your crummy services. Why am I censored again????
JOHN KOSKO commented
Go to **** AOL! I am a paying customer, have been for a long time, but your communications antics are ******* me off. You delete all my posts, none of which are vulgar or offensive, just conservative. I think I'll just write to the Donald, I send him a lot of money you know, I'll ask that the FCC investigate you for inappropriate censorship and that your operations license ought to reviewed. Better tell management about this one minions, because I am going to do it!
JOHN KOSKO commented
Go to **** AOL! I am a paying customer, have been for a long time, but your communications antics are ******* me off. You delete all my posts, none of which are vulgar or offensive, just conservative. I think I'll just write to the Donald, I send him a lot of money you know, I'll ask that the FCC investigate you for inappropriate censorship and that your operations license ought to reviewed. Better tell management about this one minions, because I am going to do it!