AOL Mail Noble
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1152 results found
New AOL mail
I don’t like the new email setup at old. Ponderous. Plus I used to be able to hold down Shift and choose all e-mails between the 2 selected. Now I have to select everything individually. This new email configuration will slow me down immensely… Kinda hate it. Can I get back to the old one somehow??
You have GOT to provide better Spam blockers. In just 3 hours time ( between 5:30-8:45 AM) I’ve received over 60 spam emails. Many are duplicates and over half made it to my inbox. And more are popping in as I watch!! I work for a bank and we get ZERO spam. Granted banks have to be way more careful however, your IT department must be able to do something to at least get them all into the spam inbox!
Can no longer block spam
AOL keeps changing. Right now there is only "Mark as Spam", which doesn't work. I keep getting the same annoying spam, despite marking them as spam hundreds of times. In the past I could actually block emails that contained certain words in the heading. I no longer have this option, so every week I get a hundred emails that read SHARK TANK SHOCKER in the heading, no matter how many times I report it as spam. Why do you keep changing AOL - the layout, the settings options - they keep changing for the worse. You're destroying the product and…
Install a decent spam blocker
Dumping AOL.
Going to use
They have a better spam blocker.
And it's free. -
Please create settings for spam!!
I’m just flooded by spam, even after declaring emails as spam! This is just insane!
The new mail oh AOL sucks. You can’t do anything in it you cannot block me on unless you have a goal account.
Put the old aol back in service.
New email format
I got no notification on email changes and did NOT agree to try it. I HATE this new format and want my old format beck NOW!!!
Archived Messages
My archived messages have disappeared. I had important messages stored there.
Spam filter sucks
Why bother having an option to identify emails as spam if your service never does anything about the emails/senders I've marked as spam? Seriously, I get 2-5 emails A DAY for some stupid Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Phishing *. Each time, to I mark it as spam. And everyday, another half dozen with the same *. Fix this.
Give me back my old aol
I want my old AOL back the new AOL sucks
Get a good ITCompany. And stop trying to be cute and keep it clean and simple.
Trash can emoji disappears in and out at its will. I haven’t seen one positive reply here. Get a good IT company. I’ve been with AOL since start. It just gets worse every day.
New email sucks
First off the query at the top of my email said TRY the new email not SWITCH So that was misleading. I wanted to try not switch.
I don’t like the new email and want to return to the other format
Why no response from AOL on these comments.
Sick and **** tired of 100+ spam emails every day and am told I am not authorized to delete my own account. Seriously?
FIX IT!!!!!!!
Blocking spam by word?
Any way we can just have word automatically blocked? I sent a few of the worst offenders to the recently deleted folder but I really don’t want to see them at all and just have them autodelete. I am contemplating just deleting this address permanently.
Your new format SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!!!! Probably going to change!
Volume of junk and spam
I’ve had this address for many many years I would rather pay a fee then to keep receiving thousands of junk spam emails that I must delete all the time please help
Make it possible to delete all emails with one click
Be able to delete ALL emails with one click.
This is a virulent scammer. Please stop them Shows up as a missed Fedex delivery but the email address is this scam law firm
My emails are not coming to new maiĺ, ehy?
Why are my emails going to the spam folder?
- Don't see your idea?