AOL Mail Noble
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1152 results found
whats going on?
i receive mails from people I dont know or recognize. Once, I even received a strange mail from the australian embassy (!!) in usa, with some condolences for a loss {....!!!} . What is going on? How can I create a filter for unknown senders? help!
Create a simple filter to block all spam by filtering a specific domain ie * Make it simple make it quick.
Ready to drop AOL because spam is getting through to my inbox.
Spam filter is allowing totally obvious spam messages through, the same ones time and time again, even when I mark them as spam. Doesn't the system learn not to process messages I'm flagging as spam? I don't think it does anything at all if it can't detect such obvious scam emails from USPS, FedEx, DHL, Walmart, Costco, and many more.
Take out ALL ads!!
What good is feedback if you don’t do anything about it??!!!!!!!!
Why can’t I see the previews above the messages as before?
I don’t want to see previews on the side.
I have been inundated by spam! An unbelievable amount! You have got to do better! This is unacceptable!
Spam has taken over my email!
Shove your mail, sick of the spam
I was just scammed and had my card fraud dept call me. Due to your lack of AOL putting spam in my inbox. Thank you for your incompetence!!
Go back to old email
Get rid of new aol email…..hate it !!!
Your lack of SPAM management is atrocious. It’s the reason why I don’t use AOL except legacy emails. They will soon be gone and so will AOL.
Block spam like Gmail does. AOL sgould be ashamed of yourselves.
I do not care for the new format. AT All
Go back to the regular format. I do not even want to check my emails. So annoying.
Why log on
Why must I log on to get the feedback page, then log onAgain to send feedback? Seems like a good way of being able to tell the public “Nobody’s complaining.”
Spam filters
If the email originated outside of United States it should be blocked automatically. I'm tired of seeing flashlights Viagra bank's and all the other BS I've never search for or asked for. Clean up spam getting over 200 spam emails should not be a. Normal thing
New format hate it
Hate new email way for AOL to make money advertising. That’s what Facebook does. Will be migrating to GMail.
Block email sender
Need to be able to block email senders.
Put back delete all emails with one click
One click should delete all emails if checked having to go through and deleting one by one is a pain in the butt
Want old style back
Want the old style inbox
- Don't see your idea?