Go back to the old format regarding aol mail
This new mail format is not user friendly nor does it show current day mail. I hate it!!!!!!

Karen Martin commented
Hate it!!
I am quite disappointed with this format it's ugly and confusing, the garbage can for deleting needs to go backup top and spam needs to be shown like before as opposed to me having to go look for it. Please just go back to the previous format. The old saying if it ain't broken don't fix it. Leave well alone it was fine as is.
Have not had new mail since 1.20am
What happened to my recently deleted?
It looks cheap and dated.
Jill Leggett commented
I don't like, it's not user friendly. My old emails aren't there and you can't delete everything at one time if you want to . Go Back To The Old Version!!
Phillip Ray commented
Hate the new format, the stupid ads taking up space and unwanted and unsolicited date matches. Give me a break.
Rainer Kocherscheidt commented
New format is terrible. Bringing back the old one at once would be terrific move after all these negative comments!
Paul Walters commented
Just hate it!!!
I do not like the advertising that is showing up in my mail. Older version was much better. Also, an annoying bar keeps showing up midway in my mail asking me what I want to do with my mail. The old mail worked fine. Please go back to old version.
Helena Clements commented
I dont want the ads mixed on with my mail.
michellecor commented
Hate it... Don't want ads... Not user friendly... Give me an option to keep old version pls
Rachael Slawson commented
Please get rid of the adverts that keep coming up so annoying!!
me commented
I want to go back to the original email this one is rubbish
Michael Connolly commented
Go back to the old format. This new version just isn't user friendly. If it isn't broken don't try and fix it !
And no one bring up about progress and advancement if the new format is worse than the old it is not progress. -
TIM GILES commented
New format sucks. Doesn't automatically move read emails to Old Mail and adds every few emails. Wish I'd never updated it.
Ray Essex commented
AOL was never great anyway but now it’s absolutely **** , someone should be sacked
Bob Johnson commented
Go back to original mail, this one sucks!
ROB WILLIAMS commented
I've been using aol since like 1998 and I'm seriously thinking about canceling my account. The old format was why I stayed so long - it was easy to use. This new format is absolute garbage! Whoever came up with this should be fired! You're about to lose a massive amount of users aol! Change it back!
Agree - After about 16 years of being with aol email I am actually considering leaving because of this awful format especially the big ad plonked in the middle !!