Go back to the old format regarding aol mail
This new mail format is not user friendly nor does it show current day mail. I hate it!!!!!!
Linda Brooks-christiansen commented
Why are there ads?
Go back to the old format!!! -
Winnie Pooh commented
Not good
DONNA DUBOIS commented
Absolutely HATE NEW FORMAT. Can't even locate HOW to DELETE SPAM or HOW TO COMPOSE!
DEBRA GUPTON commented
I don't like this new format. Please change me back to the old format. Thank you.
Bob Johnson commented
I want the old format back!
Please......go back to old format! This is awful!
JIMMIE WHITE commented
I do not like the new format.
Anna Hammond commented
I am paying almost $144 ($11.99 a month) a year to have ad free email and now ads are showing up. Sure I am supposed to be getting some virus software bu other “perks” are not wanted. I already have the phone service I want and isn’t there some perk like restaurant.com? The few of the restaurants in my town are awful.
Marie DUNLOP commented
I agree this new format awful go back to old don't fix if not broke as the saying goes
Richard Salemi commented
This new format is just awful. Please go back to what we had it's just not user friendly. Too complex to use. Dont need to see ads in the middle of my email. You broke it now you can fix it.
SUMMIT CRANE commented
Please return to old format asap
Ronald Tinao commented
I’d love to kevto go back to old format is that possible ?
JUDY WATTERS commented
Is there a place to switch back to the old format? I stayed with aol because of the format . Give us the option asap! Liked the news on the side and ability to chose how I wanted to treat the message as well
Please please give us the choice! -
gordy237ali commented
Hate it, hate it, hate it!!!
It's fine if they want me to watch an ad, but did they have to make the whole thing unusable!!!
They are trying to make it attractive to the younger generation, they need to accept that kids don't use AOL, now 35+ won't use it either.
LEE NORMAN commented
I do like this new format...go back to old format or I will go to another user friendly format.
DAVE BLODIS commented
What a pain **********! thanks for screwing it up!!
It was changed to put an ad in the middle of the mail? It’s horrid. What garbage the new format is. Whomever came up with this stroke of genius should be fired & humiliated.
usoundmt commented
Horrible... change all back..now I have to change my email provider!!!
Kevin Murphy commented
This is MY mailbox and not a place for Ads.
Unless it reverts back to the old mail, or removes the ads without a fee then after approx 25 yrs with AOL Iam off -
Kevin Murphy commented
This is MY mailbox and not a place for Ads.
Unless it reverts back to the old mail, or removes the ads without a fee then after approx 25 yrs with AOL Iam off