Please remove Ads from my email. They are annoying and repetitive.
Please remove Ads from my email. They are annoying and repetitive.
Teri Londino commented
Please, return to the old format. STOP with the enormous ads, that never stay deleted, even after feedback is given. The large ad pictures take up space and waste my time. Also in process of deleting the annoying ads important new emails are deleted. I have been very happy with AOL for many years until the new format was introduced. Not sure AOL is worth keeping.
LOU JOHNSTON commented
Look I can put up with your liberal bias but the f’in ads have to go. Maybe it’s time I ban you!
Ka Br commented
Remove the ads. I’m bout to cancel my aol
CATHY DUNN commented
I spend more time deleting the ads than reading my mail
Then I accidently delete something I want to keep.
GET RID of the ADS!!!!
I don't give a **** about available dates!!!!!!! -
Derek Tucker commented
Get rid of the ads
Remove the ads!!!
Kevin Bond commented
I have had enough of these **** ads and can’t get anywhere blocking them, I have no option but to change to a more user ad free site, pants adverts lost you another customer
Kevin Bond commented
I have had enough of these **** ads and can’t get anywhere blocking them, I have no option but to change to a more user ad free site, pants adverts lost you another customer
Joann Stennet commented
I don't like the ads
M LAPSLEY commented
The pop up ads are a pain !
M LAPSLEY commented
Get rid of those annoying adverts or you'll lose customers!
Al Botti commented
For those of us that have stuck with AOL for many years, and pay for it by the way you're sticking ads in the middle of my inbox and the format is terrible don't tell us to go back to the old format settings because it does not work. Please change this back before I leave AOL for good,
I pay for for your service so I Don’t get bombarded with ads. If you are now making massive amounts of money from advertisers.... lower the price to the consumer by 50%.
CHRISSY FORD commented
Please remove these ads. They are very annoying
Get rid of the ads in my email list. I'm paying for your service not the annoyance of these ads.
James Curie commented
Remove the flunking ADs!
Dawn Eden commented
Why do we have ads in the middle of our mail now?!!!
Dennis Malone commented
Get for of them
ALICE TOOVEY commented
I too hate this new format.... definitely NOT user friendly.
Anonymous commented
Stop your adds please !!! They are getting in the way and hindering primary purpose of my mail , I can not scroll through my inbox because of advertising your allowing. My mail loads slow and sometimes doesn't load or work at all . because of your adds ..and costing me data as well. I was forced to use you through Verizon , they never ran adds and this is completely unacceptable.