Spam filter doesn’t work
The subject line says alot. I don’t open vulgar (sexual comments, solicitations) emails but they keep coming. Spam filter should block all

n3pzz commented
Folks what makes you think AOL really gives a **** about you? They do not, or they would have fixed the spam problem by now.
At the end year I will stop using AOL and start using Gmail more. At least with Gmail,
I have control over spam. -
The amount of spam is ridiculous. So far today over 30 emails. All of them from American companies. They don't even care that I'm in the UK.
Please sort this out. -
Cyndi Fruge commented
I'm getting too much spam. Please stop this
John Zulawski commented
Spam is getting out of control.. Over 200 junk emails and no links to remove from mailing list. Especially lists I've never asked to be on or checked.
Please do something about it