Go oat!
Some of the Milk bars, do not allows pets inside.
The customers may leave them outside, in front of the bar.
They doesn't realised the origin of their shakes coming from animals.
So if they want to keep the succes of their business they might allows goats too, for coming in.
The semi skinned products may give more taste to the drinks and that milks more healthier than you think.
So once when a goat came in and asked from the variety, the water got angered and asked the goat to leave the bar, because pets are not allowed in the Milkbar.
The goat looked around and realised that the peoples inside likely have fun, like that they are in the discoteque and asked about meaning the well of their customers happines.
Meee, Meeee, Meeee answered the waiter.
Go out Goat. Leave "shouted loudly"...
It won't be finished yet, answered the goat if you all think your boyfriend's milkshake is better than goat's, other cups of waffer inqueries won't realise the benefits of the sold times in that bar.
Just in the semi skinned hours...
Come again.