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2402 results found
comments being cut when they do not fit the MAGATs agenda
I am going to take steps to quit AOL because you hire MAGATs to be moderators. I have been part of AOL from the very beginning, but I am no longer interested in your ********. I will join the effort to boycott AOL and I guarantee that I alone can take down your memberships by double digits. Not a threat but a promise.
ALOHA4192nd ranked -
Dump all FOX News posts
You post stuff from FOX News that is literally killing people. The pseudo-science (or outright anti-science) that you put up are leading Americans down a path that is killing them. STOP all FOX News posts is an easy way to fix the problem if you cannot or will not vet those articles. This is NOT a free speech issue. You remove comments that violate "Community Standards" but don't apply the same litmus tests to FOX or others who spill lies, misinformation, anti-science stances, pseudo-science and posts that hurt the entire community. DO IT
4192nd ranked -
More good stories on this Administration
Can we hear more about how much this administration is saving money instead of just attacking Trump with every other story. You might actually start getting more people on AOL someday if you stop being so far on the left. Report news, stop trying to make it.
4192nd ranked -
Has anyone filed a complaint with the FCC against AOL for censoring conservatives?
4192nd ranked -
I am logged in but not showing as logged in on news articles
I logged in, but I don't show as logged in on news articles, only on mail. I cannot comment on news articles because of this. Other people are able to log in and are posting. I rebooted my computer, and that did not work. Fix this now.
4192nd ranked -
Comments section
Your comments section is a forum for racists. They know how to avoid vulgar remarks yet their intent is blatant. There are young impressionable minds out there who might get the impression that a large r part of the world agrees with these bigots. You should get rid of the comments section
4192nd ranked -
The 8 Cylinder Car Engine Model Kit advertised on your site is a scam. Please check into this.
The 8 Cylinder Car Engine Model Kit advertised on your site is a scam. Please check into this.
4192nd ranked -
How about reporting the real news like the positive things Trump is doing!!!!!!!!
How about reporting the real news like the positive things Trump is doing!!!!!!!!
4192nd ranked -
You recently rejected one of my comments. Are you running a communist style news site? Stop censoring
Your "so-called" comment moderators (whether human or AI) are a tool of communist style biased news propaganda. Are you going to continue with this relic type of censorship, or don't you see how X and FB have evolved? Get with the program and stop censoring / rejecting comments. You should be ashamed to call your site "America OnLine" where you censor "free speech."
4192nd ranked -
Give Qualifications
Make it easy and clear to find out the role and qualifications of an author of an article or I will NOT read it.
4192nd ranked -
why is every story negative about Trump
Try to be a little fair and post some positive stories about Trump!
4192nd ranked -
Stop the fake news. Your news is so incredibly bias against Christians, conservatives, patriotism and republicans, especially Pres. Trump.
Stop the Fake News. AOL News is so biased. When will the news people get a clue?
4192nd ranked -
I have been a faithful AOL customer for over 2 decades. I never speak vulgar, and I never threatened anybody. My ability to make comments has been discontinued for over 6 years. I have over 3000 likes documented on AOL profile.
President Trump stated in his inauguration speech that "Freedom of Speech" will be restored in America, and censorship "needs to go".
I currently feel that I am being discriminated against by AOL.
After making comments for many years, now my comments have been rejected for many years. I want this to change. I need my ability to make…4192nd ranked -
Stop the ads listed as "NEWS".
4192nd ranked -
Why am I seeing 'X' rated pictures on the side panel which my children can see.....
Stop putting 'X' rated pictures on the side panel, they are disgusting, not to mention they are visible to children
2341st ranked -
Provide Freedom of Speech to all commenters.
Restore the ability to post comments.
President Trump just stated that Freedom of Speech will be restored in America. Let's make it happen.4192nd ranked -
Get rid of AP, completely Liberal Bias
AP isn't News, it has become total and utter Liberal propaganda
4192nd ranked -
Your sports announcements about NFL Playoffs have the WORST spoilers in all of sports news!! I will make sure to NOT open AOL sports!
AOL Spoiler Alert for NFL
4192nd ranked -
You can tell the Chinese are running AOL. No free speech here unlike X and Facebook
4192nd ranked -
4192nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?