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10841 results found
News feed
When am I going to be allowed to post to news feed articles?
1507th ranked -
Comment Censor
Kevin Federline raised two great guys. This has been censored by AOL on one screen name but not another one. AOL has been censoring me for twenty five years. This needs to stop. AOL blaming he user is a very bad idea on AOL's part......AOL practices censorship.
4217th ranked -
get the lion off the feed....what is wrong with you?
Once again, the lion. I am done with AOL. Hello, MSN!
4217th ranked -
Get off this issue!CARL
44.6K Points
57 minutes agoMost Rural Folks know it is a scamdemic Hoax sponsored by The Mob Left and Fake News like Yahoo / AOL / Verizon ----- endless brainwashing Propaganda from China.
4217th ranked -
No comments allowed on this new story?
Why are there no comments for the main headline for this story? Liberal media afraid of hearing the truth about their disastrous ideas? Sure less rich people in this country that'll fix things!
4217th ranked -
Stop pushing liberal agenda.... its disgusting!
The idea is to NOT push a liberal agenda …
There are many better topics!!!
Spacex successes...
Unfair trade … post how much a Chevy Bolt costs in China ,,, Japan … etc
Electric cars .. how they are like the digital cameras of a few years ago.2352nd ranked -
4217th ranked
You have NO RIGHTS to censorship comments! Fix your Bidet seems to dismenthal itself
Garbage CENSORSHIP continious, LOSERS!
There is no medicine for radical STUPIDITY !!!
Can't fix pathlogical disease called left anarchsts / idiots !4217th ranked -
Will you PLEASE add a PAUSE to your news feed!!!!! It is irritating at the speed you have it going
Reinstall the PAUSE feature. You had it before, so I know it's possible.
2352nd ranked -
4217th ranked
False picture.
In your offering of 30 places getting too expensive to live, the photo you displayed is Hot Springs AR, not Hot springs Village, 30 miles away.
4217th ranked -
4217th ranked
The former president of the United States spoke for 2 hours today, and you **** heads at AOL have not mentioned it or covered it. WHY? The reason is you did not cover it is because AOL and Huff Post are anti-American and cannot stand the truth. YOU SUCK ans should be banished from American News because you hate America.
4217th ranked -
Stop printing so much liberal news!!!
Stop showing only liberal news. Hopefully, you have at least one conservative reporter or fact-finder on your payroll. By the way, how much are you making by printing only a liberal view.
1087th ranked -
I am pleased you are monitoring for civility.
What is needed is monitoring for veracity. The posts are FILLED with deliberate misinformation and I have serious suspicions those posts come from foreign actors deliberately trying to create doubt and suspicion.
4217th ranked -
how can i get another I D
can you help change my I D or username?
4217th ranked -
4217th ranked -
AOL needs to review its civility guidelines
I posted: "Cannabis salve, gummy bears, spray help my husband deal with chronic pain from degenerative arthritis." How did that violate civility guidelines.
2352nd ranked -
revise posting guidelines
instead of rejecting posts for alleged incivility, review for outright lies--e.g., "the majority of the stimulus package" goes to foreign countries?
Seems a necessary policy reform.4217th ranked -
lets ban stupid faces like the people wanting to change school names!
Lets compile a list of everything people want to change or don't like and change that.
There are some country's that have gone through this we can hire them to give us direction, guess who?
2352nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?