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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10786 results found
Start reporting the truth of what the president states. He did not tell Americans to return to their jobs.egh
Start reporting the truth when it comes to the President and what he says.
81st ranked -
Tell the WHOLE truth. How sad that AOL, my home page for 20 years of more, twist the very news that I am currently watching.
813th ranked -
813th ranked
What the **** is going on with your website, why have you changed the format that was working, side bar dosn't work, can't navigate news i
Go back to the old version of Aol
384th ranked -
2341st ranked
Stop timing me out and kicking me offline. I don't recall cut offs being a part of my joining AOL. This happens every time I sign on.
Stop timing me out and kicking me offline. I don't recall cut offs being a part of my joining AOL. I am about to end our relationship and go with Firefox full time and save money going to a now worthless site.
2341st ranked -
813th ranked
news feed doesn't scroll i left aol to some else just checked back to see it fixed yet still f up you people are losers
i have nothing for you if you can't fix something like this
4192nd ranked -
Please stop showing Kardashian trash. I mean really, its the same **** over and over. Trash journalism
delete all kardashian
2341st ranked -
Media Rating VS Presidents Rating During Crisis
Monmouth Poll rates YOU lower than Trump. Guess that tell's you what happens in November!
1500th ranked -
Real News about Senate Coronavirus Bill
Word on the street is that Schumer was ready to vote the bill through until Nancy walked in with all the Pork BS. Obama phones and green new deal rubbish. We'll never see that in your sick rag!
2341st ranked -
813th ranked
Democrat Leaders?
The dems are up to their old nasty tricks, trying to use a world crisis to try to pass agenda items that have NOTHING to do with the economic package. And your best headline is "Frustration at the White House"? You and your leftist pundit buddies are lower than low!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The real problem is YOU don't care, just so YOU can score points against Trump.
340th ranked -
Home Page Remake :-(
Very disappointed in the recent remake of your home page. I would visit a few ties each day to scroll through the news, sports and entertainment updates and read the ones that most interested me. I am not sure why the format was changed but it is not nearly as user-friendly now.
534th ranked -
when searching, aol sends you to page after page after page and never seems to get to anything. Like chasing your tail.
get to the point of the search instead of leading a person around, page after page, after page.
1082nd ranked -
Can you PLEASE quit your sequencial sequencing of you news articles! This is just plain stupid!
PLEASE quit your automatic sequencing of your news articles on AOL's home page! VERY disruptive!
1082nd ranked -
Improve on the AOL Mail, login is poor or unusable, worse than ever has been.
Improve on the AOL Mail, login is poor or unusable, worse than ever has been.
650th ranked -
Check the adds you have, That nano magic cloth is foney and you can't contact anyone who has it.
Make sure there is a contact for items you put on it. That nano Magic cloth is garbage and faulse advertisement.
4192nd ranked -
Put back the regular AOL welcome screen on Internet Windows Explorer like AOL Gold
534th ranked -
Get Dr Drew and his disinformation off your home page.
We're deeper and deeper into a crisis situation and you've got a Fox news contributor telling people it's no big deal.
STOP the flow of disinformation.4192nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?