AOL Super App for iOS
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247 results found
Inbox Highlights for IPad.
I would like to have “Inbox Highlights,”in my iPad as I do have one in my phone. I think it’s pretty cool. How do I get one for my iPad?
214th ranked -
Take NBC off news feed. It all twisted facts
No one listens to MBC anymore. They are so biased and alarmist. You need balanced news outlets. At minimum include News max or Fox etc. Unbalanced reporting is causing divisiveness. But maybe that’s what you want
214th ranked -
I don’t want leftie news feeds
To be able to disable all news feeds. Including leftie media
214th ranked -
Eat a bag
Commie news is all you spew.
214th ranked -
214th ranked
Limit the SPAM.
It's very easy to delete AOL if you don't limit the Spam or expand the number of addresses to block...
214th ranked -
171st ranked
Now I understand why AOL has dropped so far
I quite literally don’t have a single good thing to say about aol. It’s actually ridiculous all the bugs and technical issues I have with aol yet nothing is done. People still use aol on a daily basis and the developers of this network don’t want to do anything to make their services any better. I have slowly transitioned over the years to Gmail but for unimportant reasons I still have to use this account on some basis.
214th ranked -
Stop only posting NBC UNIVERSAL and CNN NEWS… is AOL that far left ? Might move to gmail
Try posting FOX NEWS every once in awhile…
171st ranked -
Open on mail NOT NEWS
Do it now.
171st ranked -
Provide an option of which media outlet we choose whether it be liberal or conservative. I do not like the liberal news that comes on my new
I feel that there’s division on what type of news outlets people believe. I think it would profit the majority if there was an option on which type of outlets you like to come on your newsfeed. I’m conservative and I prefer fox. I know other people prefer other outlets, which is fine. I would like the option.
171st ranked -
Stop biased articles. Too many left articles. More Fox- Epoch times
One from each outlet. Not all NBC which is obviously biased. Or CNN OR REUTERS. post equal amount of FOX - Epoch Times and Daily Wire etc!
171st ranked -
No fake news. Only have Fox News
No fake news like CNN. Only have Fox News
171st ranked -
Why am I getting American news when I live in Australia?!
I don’t care about American news, the whole world knows they’re in the bin.
214th ranked -
Check your advertisement for $25.00 Merrill shoes. The company does not exist.
Company that is selling $25.00 Merrill shoes does not exist.
214th ranked -
Let user block emails using only the @_____ rather than the entire senders url.
Let the user block emails as u used to be able to do using *@______ instead of the entire url address. And allow access to edit those blocked email addresses.
214th ranked -
More variety in news sources
Use other news sources not just “press association”
171st ranked -
Introduce the option to block dating ads from my emails
Please allow dating ad notifications in your emails to be blocked, they come up randomly In your email notifications and it’s very upsetting when you’re in a relationship and your partners sees these and Think you’ve been on the dating sites when they Have nothing to do with me
171st ranked -
Opt out of certain types of ads
Whenever I open my inbox, I’m confronted with casino ads. I’m a recovering compulsive gambler and seeing those ads might trigger a relapse. It would be great to opt out of gambling related ads, because whenever I delete them they just pop back up.
121st ranked -
Stop dating and **** ads in my email
I already have a paid for account with you guys for many years. STOP THE **** AND DATING ADS IN MY MAIL.
137th ranked
- Don't see your idea?