I personally like my older version of emails
I prefer my emails the old version of what I had

Phyllis Mcquesten commented
Give us back the old AOL email please.
GREG BOOKOUT commented
This new version sucks I want the old version back
Sue Weisman commented
This new version is horrible! Go back to the old way! Not everything needs an update! Leave it alone if there’s nothing wrong with it!!
Sue Weisman commented
Me too, give me back my old email!
ELSIE MOFFET commented
I thought it was just me, until I found the comments section! Please, either put it back the way it was, or I will change out to gmail or something similar. Not paying almost $11 monthly fee for this level of frustration.
The old AOL let you enlarge the font and also made it bolder. It was much easier to read my emails. Please consider changing this.
MD commented
1. Remove the ad at top.
2. Go back to old format.
3. If you insist on a different format, then change the font - it is awful and hard to read. There is no delineation between messages. It is very hard to work out what you are looking at. You don"t need the silly icons in the message list - they don't help and are confusing. The old format worked just fine - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. -
Gillian Hayden commented
I can not open emails over two days old I am losing important messages
stuart marshall commented
How long does it take to gather feedback. Go back to the old app, this one is ****
TOM MCGILL commented
While composing an E_mail I do not have access to my mail contacts on my IPad.
Phyllis Mcquesten commented
I can’t send a picture on this new email and I don’t like that.
Linda Edlow commented
The older version was much much easier.
Lance Rohlf commented
Go back to working with the ipad Mail app. The AOL email app ***.
Rexhina Umizaj commented
I can't receive any emails
I prefer my old sign in better
New aol mail ***. I will start moving my online to a different system. Change it back now. Hate the new one.
Stanley Pike commented
Older version let me read emails from last week. Latest version keeps resetting to latest email. I scan back to a week ago, get to the emails I need to see and they are taken away. App keeps resetting back to top of list and removes ones I want to read. I scroll back down and soon as I do it goes right back to the top.
Allow me to view the emails I want. Stop deciding for me what I need to see. Maybe allow for manual refresh or a setting so that I can chose how often email is retrieved. This is for IOS app on iPhone 11 -
I cannot open any of my emails on my iPhone.
Bob Schwartz commented
I have had Aol forever and I am going to quit if I cannot get back my old Aol.
DIVYA DIN commented
I don’t like the ads appearing constantly. Prefer the old version of the app