AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1125 results found
Can't add AOL as an accout in Outlook (even with 2 step Verification off)
I'm out of Ideas. This is a problem with AOL. Fix or I'm gone!
876th ranked -
sort by sender
In the Sent Folder - should be able to sort by senders email address, Just like in the inbox when you sort on the sender address
876th ranked -
Inappropriate Ads
I always have my personal email running in the background even while at work. I have had underwear ads and dating sites pop up on my work computer. I have clicked to remove the ads and they keep popping up. I have never been to either of these types of sites and think it is totally inappropriate to take over my computer with this garbage.
577th ranked -
There should be Tech support available to all members...u may charge if say more than twice a yr use.
Memebers may have issue with their emails like spam etc.
i recently got too many mails from unknown people organizations etc.
I sent them to the Spam folder. Then i went to block those senders....but by selecting large numbers, some useful ones may have been blocked. So in setting i went thru blocked senders and removed useful ones from the blocked list.
However, diue to all this i have not been getting any e mail.
so, would u pls look at account and reinstate getting the email from sources say prior to Dec. 2024
Hemant Shah San jose,…577th ranked -
Change picture of the pedestrian looking guy to something beautiful!!!
Change the picture on the opening page to a beautiful nature image. perhaps a magnificent tree.
876th ranked -
get rid of certain annoying ads like roboform
get rid of certain annoying ads like roboform
577th ranked -
blocking duckdns phishing email bombing
duckdns is a free dynamic dns service being used to send out mass phishing emails.
279th ranked -
enable IMAP on my email account
enable IMAP access to my email account so that I can add my aol address to my Huawei P30 Pro phone.
876th ranked -
why does my calendar open in yahoo
Tell me how to go back to old method. Just changed this week
876th ranked -
Fix the problems submitted. Don’t just post them! Allow domains to be blocked as spam!
Fix problems submitted. Don’t just post or combine them and do nothing about them. Allow domain names to be blocked as spam. I get about 50/day from the same Domain and can’t block them. I’ve had AOL FOREVER, but am about done with wasting so much time per day deletig spam.
189th ranked -
Ho Do i get rid of alll the news feeds ? I hate it all. I do not want to see it when I gp to aol
any all news feeds. delete it. don't want to see it ever
Don't want the political, not the celebrities. none of it876th ranked -
ads on e-mail
I am one of the few people on earth who is actually paying for e-mail, and now AOL wants people to pay extra to get rid of ads on the page. I will research other e-mail domains (gmail, yahoo, etc.); if I find they do not have ads on their pages, I will cancel my AOL subscription and join one of them. Just letting you know.
577th ranked -
Stop an ad when we request that you stop.
I am sick and tired, disgusted, with your photos of women's breasts, and Jennifer Anniston's attempts at being *. I am not interested in softcore * and have asked you a DOZEN times not to see the add. TAKE IT OFF!!!!
876th ranked -
Sign In Insanity
Hi, After I type my email address, but before I can enter my password, AOL sends me a message that says a code has been sent to my email. I need the code to sign in. But I can't sign in because this message appears BEFORE I am able to enter my password, so I can't access the code. This is not two-step authentication.
This must be addressed! This is totally unworkable!
Thank you876th ranked -
Spam Filter is broken as of late. Nonstop spam emails received (more in Inbox than in Spam folder). The Spam settings/options are also missing now.
577th ranked -
What wrong with AOL? sleep on the job,? why a lot junk mail come to my mail box???
I am sure Aol sleep on the job dont keep your eye on, a lot JUNK mail come over 100 aday
876th ranked -
If I pay AOL mothly I should not have to pay for Ad Free mail
If I pay you monthly I should not have to pay for Ad Free mail.
189th ranked -
The Agenda and ToDo list are good additions, and I use them a lot. It would be helpful if I could print the ToDo list as a stand-alone.
Asking for an "Improvement" and then responding with a request for the idea is rather redundant.
876th ranked -
no good type size and spacing options
As far as I can tell, there are only two type and spacing options...1: VERY small type..smaller (and thinner) font than I have ever used in email. OR 2: Giant type with huge spacing between lines...allowing very little information on a page....which is not an option at all...just a big, fat magnification of #1. Most email programs I have used have multiple type and spacing view and compose options.
19th ranked -
Ban Audio Ads
Every time I open my email at AOL-- which is perhaps a hundreds times a day-- I am now being forced to listen to an audio of an ad-- the same ad each time- which cannot be located nor turned off and wasn't clicked on. This is extremely annoying. Please stop this immediately.
156th ranked
- Don't see your idea?