AOL Return Responses – Notify Us · Reviewed
comment is not showing and response on aol news and comments · Responded
New email sucks · Reviewed
Please STOP all the AOL pop ups on sign in. I've set preferences NOT to have pop ups, and yet each time I sign in, there's AOL Games popup. · Reviewed
Update is horrible!! · Reviewed
Suggestions · Responded
Why am I not being allowed to sign on and getting the following message? · Reviewed
Allow benign, positive, nonpolitical comments and responses to comments to post
SPAM stuck in SPAM folder · Support Request
You ask for feedback, we send it AND get no response. · Reviewed
reply text keeps dropping to end of the email you are responding to thus making it hard to keep track of responce · Responded
contacts · Gathering Feedback
system unresponsive and the e-mail inbox window does not refresh after overlayed with another window · Responded
BCC in write mail is not compatible with excel spreadsheet data need to fix this issue cannot send bulk emails with this feature · Reviewed
It is disgusting to be a part of the AOL community when you deliberately prevent responses to comments on articles from happening.
My Data Export/Import · Support Request
human response
Hire Actual Human Beings · Gathering Feedback
Stop charging for membership until your desktop and any services you claim to provide. · Reviewed