aol **** we are very close to dropping you...... the site **** open your eyes or ALL the users will leave
Herman Campana (AOL (since 2000) commented
Keep providing AOL Desktop Gold for free and appreciate & respect the loyalty of your users who have stuck with you for many years like me (17-18 years). You will not gain new users by charging any amount for your desktop software. There is better email out there than AOL and you should rethink this and look pass the dollar signs.
Herman Campana (AOL (since 2000) commented
You are alienating your loyal users by charging a fee for the AOL Desktop Gold. Do you guys think you have a monopoly on email? Some of your loyal users may use your online email but others will just use a different email client (Outlook, etc) or worst yet for you, a different email account (Gmail). Is $4.95 a month really that important to you when you are making tons of advertising revenue already?