You can't say "CHIT" with an "S", but you can access all the **** you could ever want. Go figure THAT out. & they insist on removing my posts because they seem to disagree with my opinion.
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zeke zeke commented
I've checked your banning criteria.. I was banned cause aol did not like my anti democratic, anti liberal socialists..
finally, I was banned when I consistantly pointed out aol slanted every article against President Trump..pure propaganda techniques.. -
Salit2 Antiwhine commented
Id like to know who gives AOL the authority of what i can and cannot say in comments? PS i wont be with you much longer. thanx for the 30+ years of fun
I know from experience that algorithms can be difficult to develop. But yours falls grossly short when comments are grossly derogatory and screen others because they contains a word or word combination deemed inappropriate for the AOL community. I understand your efforts to keep contributions positive but then you need to improve your algorithm to screen troll comments that are grossly negative and don't contribute anything. Your algorithm falls very short of being able to do this! !
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FRANK M commented
Today, I tried to correct someone, that gay men can donate blood to the red cross, and AOL rejected it.. They need to have a human read a post before rejecting it..
Doyle Perry commented
I see all the feedback regarding that AOL is radically left-wing. I am a veteran US Army officer, and politically conservative. Is that why any comment I make on any AOL story is summarily rejected?
Jim Smith commented
Who do you speak with. not email, not text, not chat, actual person who is not too cowardly to explain why they stifle free speech for some but not others?
Jim Smith commented
AOL is blocking my posts, for no legitimate reason
MARY KARIM commented
AOL has gone down the tubes. They block article responses because they think a medical term is a nasty word. When you write an email it gets lost in the shuffle when the email you are responding to suddenly appears right in front of you again, and Favorites doesn't work right now and hasn't for a long time. This is not good. Why can't they fix these things?
John Becker commented
anytime anyone says anything bad about GAVIN NEWSOM you censor it. STOP or ill cancel my AOL subscription
Harold Wingler commented
Also, all the negative news articles about Biden "There are no comment Sections"!!!! WHY?
Harold Wingler commented
And is "AOL and Yahoo are censoring free speech", is this against your Community Standards? Because I had this comment deleted!!!
some people may find my comments offence. All comments are offence to someone, my concern is are you objecting to printing the truth. Tell me one thing I tried to post that was not the truth. Do you life in Las Vegas? I
MARY KARIM commented
They do the same thing to me. They don't understand the difference between a medical term and a nasty word.
michael DAVIDSON commented
I just (tried to post) the following: "Everyone...take note...falling gas prices.....sounds like Yellen telling us inflation is only temporary. They really believe if they say things enough, people will believe them...even if it doesn't happen!" guessed it, it was initially bad words, no personal insults, just telling it the way it is.....why AOL????
michael DAVIDSON commented
I wish we could comment on all stories described, many do not allow us to make comments....why not?
I post comments from time to time that have factual information but still get flagged. You do not give any real reason except to say WHY, not any detail as to why. So I can't fix cause I don't know what's wrong nor can I learn from my mistakes. It almost seems my comments are getting extra scrutiny. And I see comments far more derogatory and hateful! ! ! ! !
Eric Shane commented
aol leadership should sell to Elon musk as they are corrupt like twitter
Eric Shane commented
aol is off the hook with their corrupt liberal agenda and anti republican rants and censorship! the block you with zero explanation and if you say its a beautiful day this does not align with the so called community standards