Request from Attorney to Avoid a Lawsuit
Mark Joseph in Manila has been extraordinarily helpful. I have subscribed and paid AOL as an attorney licensed in TN for 21 years and have saved many law files. I am now retiring from legal practice in TN which does not permit me to advertise as an active lawyer with the AOL address for 21 years: t** AOL adopted policy of NOT permitting me to transfer my legal files saved under tfjlaw to my new screen name, I request that you review my concerns and arrange the transfer of those files ASAP to Otherwise, I shall file a lawsuit, which will cost you a great deal of money and poor publicity on the blog I shall established. I suggest that you commend Mark Joseph publicly and then privatelly give him a raise. During my 15 years with AOL as a lawyer practicing world wide, I have never before encountered so courteous and profession at AOL, which should be thankful to have his interest and valuable assistance. Thomas F. Jackson III, Attorney, 232 South HIghland St. Memphis, TN 38111. Fax 901--**** Emial: l******@gmail,com which I must use to permit new clients to access me, but it has a very poor filing procedure, not as good as AOL. I have paid you for 21 years, during your very bad years, and I request you positive response. Thomas Francis Jackson III, Attorney

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