Since not everyone with aol was forced to accept aolgold I fully expect aolgold to provide me with all of the features that I have had.
I want the edit feature, my choice of backgrounds, colors, calendar, etc. I definitely feel discriminated against with this substandard model. I keep getting refused when I try to send emails with pictures in them for some annoying code of numerous numbers.. I want to know why I continue to receive notices that I have not yet terminated my old aol also. It's so helter skelter if whomever is sending them doesn't even have a record that I'm already being punished with aolgold. It's continues to sound like a threat when I'm already suffering with this new zero 'upgrade'. Maybe it's a political thing since I know the owner of aol putts from the left, big time. I definitely resent this game, whatever it's about. AOLGOLD SUCKS! Nothing has been improved.
And I'm in agreement with all of the complaints below and don't want to make calls to discuss solutions. The Technical people should be able to put things back into working order without work/effort from us, the PAYING CUSTOMERS. BBB should be checked to see if we're being discriminated against when other people remain on the aol which functions properly. The fish rots from the head. Now I can't post this unless I 'agree to terms of service' !!! How democratic of her!!!! I'll click that just to get my response processed but I do not agree to this filthy business. And this isn't the end of it. Are the freebie people taking up all of the space in aol that we've been paying for for years??? PINKO SOCIALIST