advertisements-i want to get rid of the ads that keep popping up on the application.
advertisements-i want to get rid of the ads that keep popping up on the application.

Anonymous commented
Stop flashing ads on the mailbox windows
Anonymous commented
make an aol gold add free please
Eleanor Lytsell commented
I'm ready to leave AOL because of all the ads, can't read your interesting articles because they take up the hole page...BY AOL if they do not correct this soon..been with AOL for years and this is the worst it has ever been....
MR. Richard MOtill commented
I want to read email NOT ads. Fire the management who thought up this idea. I am a stock holder and YOU will hear from me.
I do not use your Voice ****. Stick that in your TERMS OF SERVICE. I Disagree with your legalese. -
MICHAEL GILL commented
Here I am TRYING to read the piece on the Three Stooges, and there appears in the bottom right corner a Walgreens ad. Is it really necessary to have those damnable videos playing all the tine? They are very distracting for my old eyes. Maybe you guys/gals don't watch the stuff you put out, or you would notice.Or maybe you're so into playing video games that you don't notice what is going on. It is disgusting.
t j fearon commented
Anonymous commented
Sick of all those UDM pop ups we should get paid to watch them
Bruce commented
How in the world do I often get two overlapping audio tracks at the same time from different freaking ads??
Bruce commented
Noisy, unwanted and interrupting high volume ads make me want to dump AOL!
Joseph Montalbano commented
stop all pop us
Joseph Montalbano commented
I want to get rid of the pop ups in AOL Desktop Gold. I already set the aol gold to block all pop ups but it still the same.
Anonymous commented
I want to remove all pop up ads
Anonymous commented
Remove all advertisement from AOL. desk top Gold
Features on the screens in the welcome section have too many ads. I understand some ad are necessary, but there are so many that they obscure the text. Seriously, you can't read the text, because some ad is covering it.
Anonymous commented
Boycot companies that use ads that avoid being removed and cover a major portion of the page. ACE hardware are the latest. AOL has become a page full of ads that load and make reading almost impossible. I am dangerously close to dropping AOL as my browser.
Lou R commented
Stop allowing popup on information pages
Sherry Scudder commented
i have had AOL since the beginning and never had to pay a dime. I now have Gold and am paying for what was suppose to be and improvement. I now can not even get my mail! seriously thinking of going elsewhere! your help section is worthless, I need to have a chat!
Anonymous commented
Very sad! Gold sucks so bad!
Richard Nylander commented
Please try to remove those annoying pop-ups.
Anonymous commented
I've been with AOL since it started and have use all the versions . AOL Gold sucks ! Too many ads and with Google Chrome we have no privacy or a way to get rid of it because you force it on us . Maybe it's time to leave AOL ?