Now your Dow Jones page is not working! AOL is no longer good for anything.
Not working. Numbers have not changed all day. What do you have planned to assault us with next? AOL is no longer good for anything.

Unfortunately, this does not sound like something we can help with through this forum, however, we do have several different options for you to contact a Technical Support agent who would be glad to assist you. Please reach out to them through one of these methods:
- By Email at
- By Phone at 1-(855) 267-6269 (8am to 8pm EST, Mon-Fri only).
Anonymous commented
I have complained about the finance page stuck twice here and once at Report A Bug. I was given an email and number to call. o-one replied to my email and when I called today I was told the computers were down and they could not access anything. So much for AOL. Get your Dow Jones at Yahoo. It is much better and easier to read and the page is not loaded with junk:
Barbara Wellner commented
Please cancel your 'Gold' version. No improvement at all except 'Saved'.
Anonymous commented
The Dow Jones number has been stuck at -9 for 4 days. NOTHING at AOL seems to work. I was given an email to write to about this but received no reply and the page is dead with the Dow Jones number not changing.
It is incredible how bad AOL is across the board. As if there were not enough problems, new ones are cropping up daily. It has been months since I have this Gold version. Only little unimportant things get fixed and the real problems are not attended to. Also, your technical people do not know what they are talking about and give you crazy and untruthful answers. I have been told several times when I called about a problem that "that is the way AOL was made."
Susan Stapleton commented
Please post market info like you use to. The column of ALL those numbers are stupid.
Susan Stapleton commented
Go back to the daily hourly info. This colum of info is stupid.
Your finance news section on the first page is NOT working. You list the stock average (DJIA, etc) a dozen times and I cannot even go to the drop down menu and select a different source or company. All other drop down menus work. And dont tell me this is my problem as it is on ALL
of my computers (Microsoft) no matter what OS I am using -
John commented
on the desktop under Finance are numerous stock index's listed and what does it mean to repeat them?